Soulmates- Clarisse La Rue

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*A little soulmate au request from @happycharry hope u love*

"I still don't understand this whole soulmate tattoo thing", Percy said to his sister. 

Y/n tugged her legs to her chest, "Chiron said it was something to do with Aphrodite. Those of us who haven't already found our soulmate or whatever get a tattoo with something they like to do". 

Percy thought for a moment, "Do you think it works?". 

By then, Y/n had already zoned out from their current conversation and was now particularly distracted by a certain Ares counselor who was sparring with one of her siblings. 

Percy followed his sisters eyes to Clarisse and scoffed. 

"I know who you want your soulmate to be", he teased. 

Y/n snapped out her daze and pushed Percy over, "Shush, like you're not always gawking at Annabeth". 

"What about Annabeth?". 

The poseidon kids looked up to see Annabeth strolling towards them, looking confused. 

"Y/n's in love with Clarisse", Percy blurted out, with a shit eating grin on his face. 

Y/n glared at him fiercely, "I wish I could drown you". 

"Why are you acting like this is new information", Annabeth asked, "Y/n's been in love with Clarisse". 

Percy burst into a fit of laughter and Y/n stood up, done dealing with the  younger teens antics for one day. 

"Okay leaving now", she called, rolling her eyes. 

She crossed the lawn to get to her cabin, casting a quick glance over her shoulder at Clarisse. To her surprise, Clarisse was already watching her walk by and nodded her head up in acknowledgment. Y/n gave her a small wave before hurrying into the cabin. 

Y/n sat down on her bed, staring at her hand where this tattoo was supposed to appear. She rubbed at her hand and wondered what sort of symbol she would see. Then she wondered what she would see if Clarisse was her soulmate. 

She let herself wonder that Until she fell asleep. 


"Wake up!", Percy's voice woke her up about an hour later, "We're gonna be late to training again". 

Y/n groaned and hauled herself off her bed, twisting her wave-shaped ring so her sword fell into her hands. 

"Can I just skip", she whined. 

Percy dragged her out of the cabin, "You did that last time, and the time before that, and the time before-". 

"Okay, okay, I get it. Gods". 

Y/n twirled the golden sword in her hands as they walked, then she noticed something on the back of her right hand. 

"Perce", she exclaimed, "I got a tattoo". 

Her brother pulled her hand towards him so they could study it. On her hand in black ink were two swords, crossed together. 

"They like swords?", Percy guessed.

"Or fighting, dumbass", Y/n suggested. 

She dropped her hand and looked towards the arena, "How many people do we know who like fighting?".

Percy only shrugged and they continued on inside. 


Y/n got paired up to spar with Clovis, a Hypnos kid, which was easy enough because the boy was too tired to give her much of a hard time. 

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