Daughter- Clarisse La Rue

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*This is seriously one of my favorites.. For the super great @Maia_marlee and @BillixExilish_pillow hope you love!!*

Clarisse stood right by Halfblood Hill, anxiously waiting for her girlfriend, Y/n to return from her quest. Y/n's sister Annabeth stood beside her, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. 

"You see her yet?", Clarisse asked Annabeth. 

She studied the hill for a minute, "Nope, not there". 

The girls stood for a while longer until finally they saw a figure slowly emerge on top of the hill. Clarisse wasted no time in bolting up the hill and scooping Y/n up in her arms. Y/n giggled exhaustedly and held her girlfriend close. 

"I'm so glad you're back", Clarisse whispered into her hair. 

Y/n squished her cheek, "I'm so glad to be back. Oh, there's something I need to talk to you about". 

Clarisse dropped her down and before Annabeth could go over and hug her, a small little girl crept out from behind Y/n's back. 

"Y/n?", Annabeth asked, "Who is that?". 

The little girl grabbed Y/n's hand and hid behind her again. Clarisse hesitantly walked closer. 

"This is Lucy ", Y/n explained, "She's a demigod".

Lucy made no effort to say anything, she only tightened her grip on Y/n's hand and hid further behind the girl's back. 

Y/n turned around to Lucy and crouched down to her level, "That's my girlfriend, Clarisse. And that's my sister Annabeth. They're super nice I promise".

Clarisse looked at Y/n who nodded her head towards Lucy, and Clarisse crouched down on the floor with her. 

"Hey Lucy", Clarisse said. 

Lucy waved slowly then turned up to Annabeth and waved too. 

"Where is she.. what cabin should she be in?", Annabeth asked confused. 

Y/n picked up Lucy, "Not a clue, I was gonna keep her in ours". 

Clarisse stared at her girlfriend who was clutching the little girl in her arms and the faintest smile appeared on her face. It was an adorable sight to see, the older girl holding Lucy so carefully and tenderly as if she were her own child. Clarisse though about how she wanted to walk up and wrap her arms around both girls, then Clarisse thought about how unusually soft she felt in the moment. 

Someone down below called for Annabeth, and she called a quick goodbye before jogging down, leaving Clarisse with Y/n and Lucy. 

"Where did you come from?", she asked Lucy. 

Y/n shot her a look and Clarisse rephrased her words. 

"Where did you meet my girlfriend?".

Lucy lifted her head from Y/n's neck, "Utah". 

They walked in silence for a moment. Y/n intertwined her hand in Clarisse's so she was right next to her and Lucy and they bought her into the infirmary to get checked out. 

Lucy wouldn't let Y/n walk away from her the entire time the Apollo kids were checking her for injuries. And y/n wouldn't let Clarisse away from her. So they compromised and Y/n sat on Clarisse's lap in the chair beside Lucy's bed. Clarisse rubbed her hands on y/n's waist while they waited for Lucy to fall asleep. 

"Where did you even find her?", Clarisse questioned. 

Y/n sighed and laid her head on Clarisse's chest, "She was sitting in some alleyway, I found her when I was fighting a minotaur". 

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