Chapter 19 - Trip

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After a restless night's sleep, I stirred awake to the gentle melody of my phone ringing. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I fumbled to answer.

"Hello?" I greeted, my voice still thick with drowsiness.

"Hey there, Doll, you aren't home?" Volcov's voice sounded through the receiver, his tone laced with curiosity.

"No," I replied, sitting up in bed and glancing around the unfamiliar room. "I stayed over at Susan's."

"Surprised you weren't home. I actually went to your house to surprise you," he revealed with a hint of amusement.

"Surprise me?" I echoed, intrigued by his unexpected visit.

"Yes, we all know you've been stressed with recent events, and it just seemed like the perfect time for a vacation," Volcov explained, his voice carrying a note of sincerity.

A surge of gratitude welled up within me at the thoughtfulness of their gesture. "Really?" I exclaimed, a flicker of excitement igniting in my chest.

"Yeah, Luka has a private plane all set up and ready to go," Volcov confirmed, his words sparking a renewed sense of anticipation for the unexpected adventure that lay ahead.

After hanging up the phone, I knew I had to tell Luka about the unexpected turn of events. The following day, I awoke to the sensation of someone lying beside me. Opening my eyes, I found Luka by my side.

"What's wrong?" he asked, pulling me closer to him.

"... A lot," I sighed, feeling the weight of recent events pressing down on me.

"Talk," he urged gently, his concern evident in his voice.

"Well, two days ago..." I began, recounting the harrowing experience of finding Vera's head in the gift box.

Luka listened intently, his brow furrowing in confusion as I relayed the gruesome details. He leaned in closer, whispering softly into my ear, "Do you feel bad for Vera?"

"No, I don't. I was just... not expecting to see something like that," I admitted, the memory still fresh in my mind.

"What... What do you think of me?" he inquired, his gaze piercing mine as he searched for answers.

His eyes seemed to hold a darkness that unsettled me, matching the chill in his voice. But despite the uncertainty swirling within me, I took a moment to collect my thoughts.

"I think... I think you're sweet and lovely," I replied, choosing my words carefully, yet unable to shake the unease that lingered in the air.

His eyes softened, transforming from a hard, lightless gaze into one filled with love and warmth.

He gently pulled away from me and helped me up from the couch. Just then, Susan entered the room.

"Girl, you gotta pack your things," she exclaimed.

"Already packed," Luka replied confidently, his voice infused with a sense of readiness for whatever lay ahead.

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