Chapter 47 - Frustrated?

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After that strange encounter, I decided to talk to Sarah about it. "Well... okay, no, that's just weird," Sarah remarked after I recounted the events.

Was it really that bizarre? I wondered, suddenly self-conscious.

Winter sauntered in, a bag of chips in hand, and chimed in, "Sounds like the man is frustrated."

Sarah shot her a look. "You know, for once, your nosy ass is right."

"I'm not nosy, and I know I'm right," Winter retorted, unfazed. Of course she thinks she's right, I thought with an inward eye roll.

Puzzled, I asked, "Frustrated?"

Winter gave me a pointed look. "You know... like sexually." My eyes widened as the implication sank in.

Surely she can't be serious?

Sarah's eyes widened too, and she turned to me with a concerned voice. "Oh, sweetheart, please tell me we won't have to have the talk, will we?"

Taken aback by her insinuation, I felt a flush of offense creep up my neck.

"No, you won't have to... it's just I never really realized it," I muttered, suddenly self-conscious.

Is that what Luka's behavior meant? The thought made me squirm uncomfortably.

The weight of Winter's words hung in the air, casting Luka's peculiar behavior in a new light

"I mean, we never really had time to ourselves," I said, frustration seeping into my tone. "How the hell am I supposed to ask him?" Saying the words out loud only amplified the awkwardness I felt.

"Well, I mean, we could ask Volcov," Sarah suggested, and Winter hummed in agreement, nodding along.

Panic gripped me at the thought.

"I really don't want to involve Volcov in this conversation. I'm already mentally dying of embarrassment."

The mere idea of discussing such an intimate topic with him made my cheeks burn.

"Involve me in what?" Volcov's voice rang out from behind me as he entered the room.

Speak of the devil.

I wanted to melt into the floor right then and there.

"Well, now I'm dying of embarrassment physically," I muttered, my face flushing crimson.

Volcov looked at me, confusion etched on his features. "What's the issue? I'm sure it's not that big of deal."

Sarah opened her mouth to explain, but the words seemed to catch in her throat. "Well, uh..."

Winter, ever the blunt one, cut in. "Fuck it, Luka is feeling sexually frustrated, and Y/N, the virgin Mary, doesn't know what to do."

I cringed inwardly, wishing I could disappear into thin air.

This was my worst nightmare come to life.

Volcov's booming laugh filled the room. "It's like the blind leading the blind."

I groaned out in shame, burying my face in my hands.

How could this situation get any more mortifying?

"Now, now, it's nothing for you to be ashamed about," Volcov said, his tone attempting to soothe my mortification. "Even though you two are married..." He trailed off, perhaps realizing the irony of his words.

"Nonetheless, I wouldn't worry too much about it," he continued, offering a reassuring smile.

I huffed in response, unconvinced. Easy for him to say when he's not the one in this awkward predicament.

"I may sound intrusive, but what exactly led to this thought?" Volcov asked, taking a seat across from me.

I shifted uncomfortably, already regretting opening this can of worms. 

"Well, I noticed he was being around more, and I heard a cat outside, so I sat with it and fed it. And then when I came in, he sat his head on my lap and asked me to... well, uh, pet him." The words tumbled out, and I cringed inwardly at how bizarre it sounded out loud.

Shock flashed across Volcov's features as he processed my explanation. For a moment, I thought he might burst into laughter again, but his expression remained solemn. Perhaps he finally grasped the gravity of the situation.

"Yeah... That sounds like he's frustrated," Volcov said, nodding slowly as if piecing together the puzzle. "But like I said, just a simple suggestion should help things."

I fidgeted nervously, my mind racing. "But what exactly should I say?" The thought of broaching such an intimate topic with Luka made my palms sweat.

"Well, one thing could be 'Hey, let's have sex,' or--" Winter began, her trademark bluntness on full display.

Sarah cut her off with a sharp look. "Yeah, definitely not anything like that." She turned to me, her expression softening. "Just start by asking..." She trailed off, leaving the suggestion open-ended.

I appreciated her attempt at delicacy, but it did little to quell the rising panic within me.

Ask him what, exactly?

The mere thought of initiating that conversation made my stomach churn.

How does one even bring up such a thing?

Winter rolled her eyes, undeterred. "You could try something like--"

"That's enough from you," Sarah interjected firmly, shooting her a warning glance.

Volcov nodded in agreement. "Yeah, keep it casual at first. Maybe something like 'You've seemed a bit tense lately, is there anything on your mind?'"

"Or you could try being a bit more direct," Winter chimed in. "Say something like 'I've noticed you acting differently around me, and I wanted to make sure we're on the same page about our intimacy.'"

I cringed inwardly at her forwardness, but part of me appreciated her pragmatic approach. Sarah, however, looked mortified.

"Maybe don't phrase it quite like that," she said, shooting Winter a pointed glare. "Just let him know you've picked up on some signals and that you're open to discussing things if he's comfortable."

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