Chapter 35 - Again?

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The call came just after dawn, Luka's voice terse but laced with urgency. "Get your things together. We're leaving in an hour."

I jolted awake, my heart pounding as I processed his words.


As in, leaving our mountain refuge?

Sarah and I scrambled to pack our meager belongings, the guards already dismantling the security perimeter with brisk efficiency. Questions burned on my tongue, but I bit them back, sensing this was no time for discussion.

When the black SUVs arrived to transport us, I risked one last look around the cabin that had been our gilded cage for what felt like an eternity. Part of me felt a pang of sadness at leaving this place, as beautiful as it was isolating.

But the greater part of me was flooded with relief at the prospect of getting out, of moving, of no longer being trapped like animals waiting for the slaughter. Luka's call had been our reprieve, our chance to turn the tables and regain control of our circumstances.

The convoy drove for hours, leading us away from the mountains and back towards the city. My palms grew slick with nervous sweat as urban sprawl gradually replaced the wilderness all around us. Were we really heading back into the heart of the conflict that had forced us into hiding?

But when we reached a private airfield on the outskirts of town, I realized our journey was only beginning. Luka stood beside a sleek private jet, looking every bit the man in charge once more as he oversaw the flurry of activity.

"Get on board," he instructed curtly when we approached. "Long flight."

Sarah and I exchanged a bewildered glance but did as we were told, settling into the plush leather seats as the jet's engines roared to life. Luka was the last one to board, his face impassive as always.

As we lifted off, leaving the city skyline behind to shrink in the distance, a profound sense of finality washed over me. We were leaving it all behind - the violence, the turmoil, the demons that had pursued us so relentlessly.

My hand found Luka's, clinging tightly as the plane banked over the vast, endless ocean stretching out before us.

"Where are we going?" I asked, finally giving voice to the question burning inside me.

He was silent for a long moment, seeming to weigh his words carefully. "Somewhere silent."

A fresh start, a clean slate. Part of me thrilled at the prospect, at the hope of outrunning our troubles and beginning anew.

As the mainland shrank from view, I realized this exodus was the point of no return. We were burning the bridge to our past, for better or worse.

All I could do was lean into Luka's solid strength beside me and pray that the sacrifices would all be worth it in the end. That whatever awaited us at our final destination would finally be the refuge, the peace, we had been so desperately seeking.

Because after everything we had endured, I knew there was no turning back now. Our fates were bound to the vast, uncharted horizon ahead, wherever it might lead us.

As our plane descended through the scattered clouds, my breath caught in my throat at the first glimpse of our new home. It was no deserted tropical island, but rather a lush paradise cradled between emerald peaks and azure waters.

An expanse of pristine white sand beaches gave way to swaying palms and flowering gardens surrounding a cluster of elegant villas. A true luxury resort, tucked away from prying eyes.

"Luka...I thought you said this place was off the grid?" I murmured, awestruck by the opulence that awaited us.

He allowed himself a rare smile, squeezing my hand. "It is, partially. This entire island belongs to my family. Has for generations."

Of course - I should have known Luka's powerful criminal empire extended even to remote tropical paradises. As the jet's wheels kissed the tarmac, I could make out the small team of staff awaiting our arrival.

Sarah's eyes were saucers as we disembarked, drinking in the stunning scenery all around us. "You never mentioned we'd be staying somewhere so...incredible," she breathed.

"Expect less?" Luka's deep chuckle rumbled with amusement.

A tiny part of me couldn't help but feel we didn't deserve such luxury after the lives we'd led. But the greater part simply wanted to bask in the beauty and peace that surrounded us now.

The staff, all clearly well-acquainted with Luka, showed us to our private beachfront villa. It was more lavish than any home I could have imagined, with soaring ceilings, plush furnishings, and walls of windows that seemed to blur the line between indoors and the tropical splendor outside.

"This is too much," Sarah giggled, spinning in a slow circle as she tried to take it all in. "I don't even know where to begin!"

I couldn't help but laugh at her unabashed delight. Perhaps this was the escape, the fresh start we all needed to finally find some semblance of happiness again.

As evening fell, we dined on a candlelit terrace overlooking the moonlit ocean while trade winds carried the perfumed scent of exotic blooms. Luka's arm draped casually around my shoulders, his body finally relaxed and at ease in a way I hadn't seen in longer than I could remember.

In that moment, it was almost possible to forget about the turmoil and violence we had fled. To imagine we really were nothing more than a family on an extended island holiday, free to enjoy this paradise without the weight of our past bearing down.

But even as I sipped the crisp white wine and let the gentle lapping of the waves lull me into a sense of serenity, I knew it was a fleeting illusion. No matter how far we ran or how luxurious our surroundings, we could never truly escape the sins that had brought us here.

The demons would eventually find us again, no matter how deeply we tried to bury them in the very sands of this island Eden. And when they did, we would have to face them head on.

For now, though, I allowed myself to bask in the perfection of paradise regained. To soak it in and commit every moment to memory. Because I had a terrible feeling such moments of peace and light would be all too fleeting before the shadows came crashing back in.

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