Chapter 50 - Not Right

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The next morning, I awoke to the sensation of Luka's arms wrapped around me, his body pressed flush against my back. His hands gripped my waist with a possessive firmness, holding me close, as if afraid I might slip away during the night.

The warmth of his bare chest radiated through the thin fabric of my nightgown, sending a shiver of awareness down my spine.

His face was buried in the crook of my neck, his breath fanning across my skin in a tantalizing caress. I could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest, the rhythmic expansion and contraction that spoke of slumber undisturbed.

For a moment, I allowed myself to revel in the intimacy of our embrace, savoring the rare moment of vulnerability we shared.

Then, as if sensing my wakefulness, he stirred, his grip tightening ever so slightly.

"Good morning, my love," he murmured, his voice a low, gravelly rumble that sent a delicious tremor through me.

Slowly, I turned to face him, our bodies shifting in a sensual dance of tangled limbs and heated gazes. His eyes, still heavy with sleep, burned with an intensity that stole my breath away.

"Luka," I whispered, his name falling from my lips like a prayer.

In a heartbeat, his mouth was on mine, claiming me in a searing kiss that ignited every nerve ending in my body. His hands roamed freely, leaving trails of fire in their wake as they mapped the contours of my form.

I melted into his embrace, surrendering to the onslaught of sensations that threatened to consume me. All thoughts of propriety, of boundaries, fled from my mind, replaced by a singular, primal need that burned through my veins.

Our kisses grew more urgent, more desperate, as if we were trying to devour each other whole. Teeth grazed skin, eliciting gasps and sighs that only fueled the flames of our desire.

With a contented sigh, I disentangled myself from Luka's embrace and slipped out of bed, my body still humming with the afterglow of our passionate encounter. As I made my way downstairs, a giddy smile played on my lips, a testament to the newfound intimacy we had shared.

However, my reverie was short-lived as I stepped outside and found myself ambushed by my friends, who had clearly been waiting for me.

"Well, well, well," Sarah drawled, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Look who finally decided to grace us with her presence."

Winter, never one to mince words, let out a low whistle. "Judging by that just-ravished look, I'd say someone had a good morning."

I felt my cheeks flush crimson as their teasing remarks hit their mark. Part of me wanted to shrink away, to hide from their prying eyes and ribald comments, but another part couldn't help but revel in the newfound confidence that coursed through my veins.

"Alright, alright, you've had your fun," I said, trying in vain to suppress the grin that threatened to split my face.

"Oh, we're just getting started," Winter countered, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "We need all the juicy details."

Sarah nodded eagerly, leaning in conspiratorially. "Spill it, girl. How was it? Did you follow any of our advice?"

I rolled my eyes, but the flush in my cheeks deepened, betraying my feigned nonchalance. "Let's just say... things progressed naturally."

"Naturally, huh?" Winter arched an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "You're going to have to do better than that."

And so, amid their relentless teasing and good-natured ribbing, I found myself regaling them with the highlights of my intimate encounter with Luka, carefully omitting the more salacious details. As I spoke, their expressions morphed from amusement to genuine delight, their eyes shining with a mixture of pride and vicarious excitement.

"See, we told you it would all work out," Sarah said, nudging me playfully. "Sometimes, you just have to take that leap of faith."

Winter nodded sagely. "And now that you've broken the ice, so to speak, the real fun can begin."

I blinked, suddenly apprehensive. "What do you mean?"

With a wicked grin, Winter leaned in and began to whisper a litany of suggestions that made my eyes widen and my cheeks burn anew. Sarah, ever the enabler, chimed in with her own additions, each more scandalous than the last.

Little did I know, as I basked in the glow of my friends' ribald teasing, that our seemingly innocent gathering was being observed from the shadows. Unbeknownst to me, a contingent of guards had taken up positions around the perimeter of the house, their watchful eyes trained on our every move.

As I stepped through the doorway, I nearly collided with a solid form, my breath catching in my throat as I found myself face-to-face with none other than Volcov. However, it was not his sudden appearance that gave me pause, but rather the sight of his swollen, discolored face.

"Volcov!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in concern. "What happened?"

He waved off my inquiry with a dismissive gesture, his expression inscrutable. "It's nothing," he grunted, his voice gruff and tinged with pain.

I opened my mouth to protest, to demand an explanation for his battered appearance, but something in his steely gaze gave me pause. This was not a man who welcomed prying questions or displays of concern.

Swallowing my curiosity, I nodded, deciding it was best not to push the issue.

"If you're sure," I murmured, my brow furrowed with lingering worry.

Volcov merely grunted in response, brushing past me without another word. As I watched his retreating form, a sense of unease settled over me, a nagging feeling that something was amiss.



Luka did NOT let it slide

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