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I scowled at my twin. He hadn’t mentioned that detail to me.

  Dad gave me a wistful smile, touching my cheek. “My little dove.” Then he moved to Samuel and clapped his shoulder. “You did good.”

  I gave the two of them an incredulous look. Stifling my annoyance—and worse, my gratefulness for their protectiveness—I walked out of Samuel’s bedroom into my own. I sat down on the bed, suddenly overcome with sadness. I was leaving my family, my home, for a city I didn’t know, a husband I barely knew.

At the sound of an unfamiliar knock, I stood and walked toward my door, opening it.

  Surprise washed over me when I saw Danilo’s tall form. I opened my door wider but didn’t ask him in. That would have been too forward. Instead, I stepped out into the corridor. “I can’t ask you in.”

  Danilo gave me an understanding smile. “Of course not. In case you’re worried, your uncle knows that I’m up here.”

  “Oh,” I said, overwhelmed by his presence and the memory of what Samuel had done.

I wanted to say goodbye. I’m leaving in a few minutes,” he continued.

  “I’m sorry,” I said with as much dignity as my burning face allowed.

  Danilo smiled with a small frown. “What for?”

  “For what my brother did. He shouldn’t have talked to you about ... about our wedding night.”

  Danilo chuckled and moved closer to me, his spicy scent wrapping around me. He took my hand and kissed it. My stomach fluttered. “He wants to protect you. That’s honorable. I don’t blame him. A boy  like you should be treated like a prince , and I will treat you that way on our wedding night and on every night that follows.”

He leaned forward and lightly kissed my cheek. His eyes made it clear that he wanted to do more than that. He stepped back, letting go of my hand. I swallowed.

  “I’m looking forward to being married to you, Pete.”

  “Me too,” I said quietly.

  With a last look at me, he turned around and left. My heart pounding in my chest, I returned to my room and plopped down on my bed. I wasn’t in love with Danilo, but I could imagine falling for him. That was a good start and better than many other boys in my world got.

  A few minutes later, someone knocked again. This time I recognized the unabashed pounding of a fist against wood. “Come in,” I said.

  I didn’t have to look up to know who it was. I recognized Samuel’s steps with my eyes closed. He sank down beside me. “Thank you for obeying me when Danilo was around,” Samuel said quietly. He took my hand.

You need to appear strong. I didn’t want to make you look weak.” I looked up at him, tears gathering in my eyes.

  His expression tightened. “You hated it.”

  “Of course I did.”

  Samuel looked away, glaring. “I hate the thought that you will have to obey Danilo or anyone for that matter.”

  “I could do worse than Danilo. He’s a gentleman when he’s around me.”

  Samuel laughed darkly. “He is as good as the Underboss of Ayutthaya Pete, and despite his age, he has his men under control. I’ve seen him in action. He is a Mad Man like me and Dad. He expects obedience.”

  I regarded him curiously. “You never expected obedience from me.”

  “I wished for it,” he muttered jokingly then turned serious again. “You are my brother not my wife That’s different.”

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