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  I was inexplicably nervous when vegas told me he wanted to announce our wedding to his brothers and Porsche the next day. We’d all gathered in the kitchen for breakfast, Venice on Porsche’s lap and  on mine.

  “You have a new wedding to look forward to,” vegas said without warning.

  Every pair of eyes darted from him then to me. My cheeks flushed. I wasn’t sure what takhun and kinn thought of the situation. Macau and Porsche liked me, but the other two ...

  “Will we be allowed to kidnap someone? Or at least spill some blood? Since you sampled the goods before, bloody sheets won’t happen after all,” takhun drawled, grinning.

  vegas reached over the table and hit him over the head. Takhun only chuckled.

  “Be careful I don’t spill your blood.”

  Macau smiled at me then rolled his eyes at takhun.

  Porsche got up, handing Venice to Vegas so he could hug me. “I’m so happy.”

  takhun and kinn definitely didn’t look unhappy, but their reaction wasn’t as enthusiastic as Porsche’s or Macau’s, not that I had expected it to be.

  When takhun got up to take a call, I followed after him but waited until he was done before I approached him. He eyed me curiously when he noticed me. He didn’t look like a teenager anymore, especially now that he was sporting stubble.

  “Are we good?” I asked.

  “If you’re talking about the soup incident, that’s forgotten. Trust me, most people want to do worse to me, especially boys, so I’ve learned not to hold grudges.” He shrugged. “And we were the ones who held you captive, so you have more reason to be pissed.”

  “True. But my family kidnapped your younger brother and almost killed your oldest, so I guess we’re even?”

  takhun’s expression tightened briefly at the mention of my family and my own stomach churned painfully. “You are part of our family now. I don’t give a fuck about the past. Just make sure you don’t break vegas fucking heart.”

  “Do you think that’s a possibility?” I teased.

  His dark brows drew together. “Before you, I’d have bet my balls against it. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if vegas had something resembling a heart.”

  “He loves you.”

  takhun looked away, obviously uncomfortable. “We are brothers. We’ll die for each other.”

  I smiled.

  “We should return,” takhun muttered. “I don’t want vegas to think we’re getting it on behind his back.”

  I snorted. “Sorry, takhun, nothing against you, but you don’t stand a chance.”

  takhun gave me an arrogant smile. “You like what you see, admit it.” He sauntered back into the kitchen before I could shoot something back. But for some reason his insufferable ego was almost endearing. It reminded me a bit of Samuel, which was consoling and painful at the same time.

  After my conversation with takhun, I felt better. Now I only needed to straighten out things with kinn. He and I had never really warmed up to each other, and I wasn’t sure if it was because kinn didn’t like me or if it was because of his nature.

  vegas leaned in when I sat down beside him. “Did he behave?”

  takhun rolled his eyes at his brother.

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