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His beady eyes found me. “Vegas, you are Capo. I could be of use to you. I know everything about the Outfit and Dante. If you let me live, I’ll tell you everything.”

  big scoffed as he pulled his knife from the holster around his chest.

  I smiled cruelly at the disgusting bastard before me. “You will reveal everything I want to know. I know you’re in very capable hands that will coerce every truth out of you.”

  “Oh we will,” Matteo said with his fucking shark grin. He stepped up to big, and they exchanged a look. Then Matteo leaned over Scuderi and brought the knife down on his chest. “Gianna sends her regards. I told her I’d let you suffer, and I will.”

  Matteo left a long cut across Scuderi’s chest, making the bastard scream like a fucking coward.

  Romero moved up to Scuderi after that. He wasn’t holding a knife in his hand. He smashed his fist into Scuderi side twice then into his stomach. Some men preferred to dish out pain with their fists, others with a cold blade. I enjoyed either, depending on my mood and what my opponent feared more.

  “You gave Lily to a fucking old bastard so you could get a child bride for yourself. You’re a disgrace of a father.” He punched the man again.

  big took over. “I hope you will spend your last hours considering that not a fucking soul on this planet will be sorry you’re gone. If you find time for sane thoughts between the agony.” He inflicted a long cut on the man’s arm. The sight of the red rivulets trailing enticingly over bare skin made my body hum with excitement. Fuck, I wanted to spill blood, dish out agony. I wanted to fucking destroy someone.

  kinn leaned beside me. It wasn’t time for him to help yet, and his attention was on me, not the scene in the center of the cell.

  “Stop the assessment,” I said in a low voice.

  kinn narrowed his eyes slightly but complied and finally turned toward the torture. Matteo, Romero, and big took turns beating and cutting Scuderi until his screams and begging filled the cell.

  After a few hours, big, covered in blood and sweat, indicated for kinn to get involved. My brother rolled up his sleeves and after another lingering glance at me, he moved toward the medical kit that would ensure Scuderi didn’t die too soon.

  Romero leaned against the wall. Matteo and big had taken turns torturing Scuderi over the last hour, and I had a feeling they’d be the ones to deal with him in the remaining hours of his life. My own body hummed with the need to destroy, the need to give pain and feel pain, to fill the fucking void in my chest.

  My body screamed for sleep, but except for a few toilet breaks, I stayed in the cell while big dealt with his bastard of a father. It wouldn’t be much longer.

  big’s shoulders heaved as he stared down at his father. The man was breathing shallowly.

  big turned to me, blood splatters dotting his face. His naked chest was completely coated with it. Our eyes met." Vegas...will you...?” His voice was hoarse.

  I pushed away from the wall and walked up to him, not sure what he was asking of me. Big clutched the bloody knife in a death grip, the look in his eyes reminding me of the boy I’d found in Bratva territory many years ago— a boy desperate for death because his father had taken everything from him.

  kinn motioned for Matteo and Romero to leave, and with a last look at me, he closed the door. Big swallowed before he held out his forearm with the Camorra tattoo. “You gave me a home. A purpose. You treated me like a brother...” He glanced down at his father. “Like family. I know you wanted nothing more than to kill your father and had that taken from you. I know it’s not the same, but...will you help me kill my father?”

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