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It was silent behind the door for a long time. Danilo’s brows drew together.

  “She’s probably trying to clean up her face so you don’t see her tears.”

  He gave a small nod and again glanced at my throat. I sighed and looked away.

  “I will protect her. I won’t fail her like I failed you,” Danilo muttered.

  My eyes shot up but the door opened in that moment. Sofia stood in the doorway, looking shy and embarrassed. Her eyes moved from Danilo to me, and I gave her a smile.

  She flushed when she raised her eyes to Danilo.

  “Can I talk to you for a moment?” he asked.

  Sofia looked at me for permission.

  “Sure,” I said. I knew custom forbade girls from being alone with men, but Sofia was eleven and Danilo had always been a perfect gentleman with me.

  Sofia walked back into her room and perched on her plush pink sofa. Danilo followed her inside, leaving the door open. His eyes took in her pink girly room, and I could see how uncomfortable he was. He sank down on the sofa with as much distance between them as the piece of furniture allowed. He looked out of place in the room, like a giant beside her. The contrast couldn’t have been bigger: Sofia in her pink dress with her boisterous nature, and Danilo in his black pants and black dress shirt with his cool demeanor. He had already seemed so much older to me, but in comparison to Sofia?

  Not that she seemed to mind. She was peering up at him with so much childish adoration that even my crushed heart sang with joy. I hoped she could hold on to it for a long time. I took a few steps back and gave them a moment of privacy. Two minutes later, Danilo stepped back out. He ran a hand through his dark hair. His eyes met mine, and again I saw the flash of longing and fury.


  He gave a terse nod. “I think I managed to convince her I said those things to make it easier for you.”

  “Good,” I said.

  Danilo shook his head, his brows drawing together. “Nothing is good about this situation, pete, and I’m surprised that from all of us you are the one who seems to be dealing with it the best.”

  I stiffened. “I just want things to return to normal. That’s all.”

  He nodded tiredly. “They won’t, but I understand. I need to go now.” He left without another word. I waited until his tall form had disappeared before I stepped into Sofia’s room. “Everything okay?”

  She was still sitting on the sofa, staring down at her hands. “I think so,” she said thoughtfully.

  “You will be the most beautiful bride, I just know it.”

  Her eyes lit up. “You think?”

  “I know it.” My chest ached for what I’d lost, for what I could never have, especially not with the man who had my heart.


Roger’s Arena was packed for my fight as I strode in. Kinn followed close behind as we walked toward the booth where macau, takhun, porsche, Leona, and big were waiting. I was already in my fight shorts, and my body thrummed with barely contained bloodlust.

  Roger helped behind the bar for once and gave me a nod in greeting, which I returned. The audience was throwing glances my way, eager, curious, terrified. My fights were always particularly popular—for those who could stomach them. Griffin looked fucking ecstatic as he noted the bets down.

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