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My body hummed with the remnants of pleasure, a distant memory my body was eager to refresh. I’d never experienced sensations like that. But worse, vegas words had been proven true. I’d never felt freer than in that moment with vegas between my legs, showing me pleasure. It had felt amazing, freeing, and utterly wrong. All my life I had been taught to be honorable, to do what was expected of me, and today I’d gone against it all.

  Dark and tall, Vegas appeared in the doorway, come to claim his prize. His eyes roamed over my naked body, and mine did the same.

  He was cruel and twisted. Beyond redemption.

  Brutal attractiveness, forbidden pleasure, promised pain. I should have been disgusted by him, but I wasn’t. Not by his body and not always by his nature.

  I shut off the water, scared of what he wanted, completely terrified of what I wanted. This was his game of chess; he was the king and I was the trapped queen that the Outfit needed to protect. He moved me into position for his last move: the kill. Check.

  He began unbuttoning his shirt then shrugged it off. He moved closer, stopping right before me. “You always watch me like something you want to touch but aren’t allowed to. Who’s holding you back, Angel?”

  “Nothing’s holding me back. I don’t want to,” I muttered with false bravado, the lie ringing loud and clear.

  “Is that so?” vegas asked quietly. He reached for my hand, and I let him. Let him put my palm against his strong chest, let him slide it lower, over the hard lines of muscles, over the rough scars. He placed my palm over his belt then released me. “Don’t you want to be free of society’s shackles for once? To do something forbidden?”

  What I wanted more than anything was his twisted smile gone. I gripped his belt and tugged him toward me, angrily, desperately, because I was falling, already lost, content to lose myself. His lips crashed down on mine, tongue domineering my mouth, hands rough against my ass. He jerked me up and against him so his erection pressed against my center.

  I gasped, which he swallowed with his lips.

  My fingers hooked in his waistband, scared and curious. Vegas caught my gaze, his full of hunger and harshness. He ripped his mouth away from mine, backing me into the wall. “Be brave, Angel.”

  I curled my fingers in his belt and held his gaze as I opened the buckle. The clink was the sound of my last wall crumbling. Gripping his zipper, I pulled it slowly down, terrified and aroused. Then I paused.

  vegas bent low, his mouth brushing my ear. “I’m not a patient man. You are playing with fire.”

  Forcing down my nerves, I turned my face, bringing my own lips to his ear. “Oh, vegas, I will be your first angel. Patience is a virtue, and you will be rewarded for it.” I kissed his ear then trailed my tongue over the rim.

He exhaled and pulled back so he could look at my face, and the look in his eyes, it almost made my knees buckle. For a second, I had him. I held the reins on the cruelest, most powerful man in the west, and it was thrilling. But vegas wouldn’t be vegas, wouldn’t be Capo, if he didn’t know how to take his power back.

  He grabbed his pants and pulled them down together with his boxers. His erection sprang free, and  Vegas braced himself against the wall with his hands on either side of my head.

  I stared down at him and sank back against the wall. He was long and thick and impossibly hard. I tore my gaze away, only to be hit with vegas penetrating stare.

  My cheeks blazed with heat, and Vegas smiled as he leaned forward, trailing his tongue over my heated cheekbone. “Tell me, Angel, what will be my reward for my patience?”

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