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As much as I enjoy chitchatting with you, I need to remember the purpose of why you are here. And that’s to pay back your uncle Dante.”

  A flash of fear in those proud eyes. I let my gaze travel the length of her, over her torn and bloody wedding dress.

  “We need to send your uncle a message, a nice video of you,” I murmured. I nodded toward big . “Take him  into the basement. I’ll join you in a few minutes.” I wanted to see how he’d react.

Big ’s jaw tensed but he gave a terse nod. He grabbed pete' s wrist, and he tensed but didn’t fight him, not like he would have undoubtedly fought me. He began to tug him along.
he didn’t beg him like I thought he would. Instead, he gave me another disgusted look. he thought he could defy me, thought he could hold on to his pride and anger. I would show him why I had become Capo of the Bangkok.

  “What are you going to do to him?” tankhum asked, trying to sound unfazed, but he wasn’t like kinn and me. He had some humanity left in him.

  “What I said. Let him speak a message to his  Uncle Dante ... and record some additional material.”

  “So you’re going to fuck him for the camera?” tankhun asked.

  I glanced at kinn , who watched me with narrowed eyes as if he, too, wasn’t sure about my motives. I smiled. “Don’t spoil my surprise. We’ll all watch the video together once it’s done.”

I gave them a nod and headed downstairs. The moment I entered the corridor in the basement, big  stepped out of the last door and closed it. His eyes settled on me. He met me halfway and gripped my arm. I raised my eyebrows.

  “pete's virginity can be used as leverage against Dante and Danilo.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Thank you for your input, big . I am Capo. I’ve thought my plan through. Don’t worry.”

  “Have you?” BIG  muttered, and I brought us nose to nose.

  “Careful. You’ve betrayed me for a woman once before. Do not make it a habit.”

Big  shook his head. “Fuck. I won’t betray you. I went to Chiang Mai with you and kidnapped pete . I didn’t hunt down my father like I wanted to. I put her in your fucking cell for you. I am loyal, Vegas.”

  “Good,” I said, stepping back. “pete  is my captive, and I decide what happens to him, understood?”

  “Understood,” big  said, gritting his teeth. “Can I go to Leona now?”

  “Go. I’ll have Simeone watch her cell tonight.”

  “He’s a fucking pervert, Vegas.”

“He also knows I’ll cut his dick off if he goes against my orders. Now go have fun with your girl while I take care of mine.”


Big  dragged me down a flight of stairs into a basement.

  “big ,” I said imploringly, tugging at his hold.

  “big ,” he growled, not even looking at me as he pulled me through another narrow bare corridor. He seemed furious.

Before I could utter another word, he opened a heavy door and stepped inside a room with me. My eyes darted around. A cell.

  My stomach lurched when I saw the toilet and shower in one corner, but even worse when I took in the stained mattress on the floor across from them. Red and yellow stains. Terror gripped me hard, and suddenly I realized what was supposed to happen here.

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