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The moment vegas picked me up the next morning, I knew it wasn’t for a run. For one, he was too early, and second he was only in his briefs. I tore my gaze away from his body.

  “We need to record additional motivation for your uncle,” vegas explained. “Come.”

  I perched on the bed, not moving an inch. Another recording?

  When I didn’t follow his command, Vegas raised his eyebrows. “Come,” he said with more force, and it took considerable effort to remain motionless. I stubbornly returned his gaze.

  He stalked toward me and bent over me. “Maybe I’m being too lenient with you,” he murmured, fingers nudging my chin up.

  I smiled then gasped when vegas jerked me to my feet and threw me over his shoulder. His big warm hand rested on my butt as he carried me, and for a few moments I stilled in shock. More because of my body’s reaction to the feel of vegas palm than to my head hanging down over his shoulder. I started wiggling and Vegas squeezed my butt cheek in warning.

  I rammed my elbow into his side, but apart from a sharp exhale, Vegas didn’t falter. “Let me down,” I wheezed, horrified by the way my center tightened at the feel of vegas hand on my backside. If he found out, I’d die on the spot.

   vegas didn’t set me down, however, until we were back in the cell. My head swam for a moment, but when my vision cleared I noticed the shackles hanging from a chain at the wall. Vegas nudged me forward. “Arms up,” he ordered.

  “What?” I gasped out.

  He didn’t wait for me to comply. He grabbed my wrists and secured me. Confusion then terror shot through me. Maybe he was finally sick of torturing others when he had me to have fun with.

  vegas leaned down and I shivered. His dark eyes roamed my face, and he gave a shake of his head. “Calm down. We need to give your family a show. I’ll give that perfect throat a hickey for a few convincing photos, nothing else. Don’t get your panties in a bunch over nothing, Angel.”

  “You want to make my family believe I’m shackled up in a cell?”

  “Among other things,” he murmured. His hands reached for the hem of my chemise and tugged hard. The fabric came apart until only the seam of the neckline held it together. My nipples hardened and Vegas watched silently then released a harsh breath.

  I swallowed. “These photos are fake. I’m not dangling from chains all day, and you’re not ripping my clothes off,” I muttered.

  He smiled down at me. “Would you prefer if I didn’t have to fake them, Angel?”

  I swallowed again, goose bumps rising on my skin.

  “I didn’t think so,” he said in a slightly rougher voice then carefully brushed my hair away from my throat. I held my breath when his lips were almost at my skin. “You smell so fucking sweet. Owning you one day will be the sweetest triumph of my life.”

  “You’ll never own me.”

  vegas pressed his lips to my skin. Then his tongue darted out, licking along my pulse point. He sucked and nibbled on my throat, his fingers cupping my head, tilting it to the side. My eyes fluttered shut. The sensations were foreign and mesmerizing. Vegas mouth on my throat seemed to send shockwaves through my body, creating sensations I’d never experienced before. His warm body pressed into me, his scent flooding my nose.

  I was motionless, stunned, confused by my body’s reaction. How could my throat be such a sensitive spot of my body? How could it fill me with so much forbidden desire?

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