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I stepped into the shower and turned it on. The water was hot, on the verge of being painful but it felt good. I leaned back against the wall and slowly sank down. Pulling my legs up against my chest, I cried because vegas was right: what I'd done today, I'd never forget. Even if I returned to the Outfit, how could I face my family again? How could I face Danilo, my fiancé, the man I had promised myself to?

I wasn't sure how long I sat like this when vegas stepped into the bathroom. I didn't look up, only saw his legs in my peripheral vision. He moved closer and then the water stopped. He crouched before me. I still didn't look up. My throat and nose were clogged from crying and I started to shiver without the warmth of the water.

"Look at me," vegas ordered. "Look at me, Pete."

When I refused to do as he asked, he reached for my chin and nudged it up until my gaze met his. His dark eyes searched my face. I couldn't read the emotions in his eyes. "If it helps, try telling yourself I raped you," he whispered in a low voice. "Maybe you will start believing it."

Nothing had ever cut deeper than vegas words. He didn't need a knife to make me bleed. I glared at him, wanting to hate him with every part of my being, but a tiny, horrible part of me didn't, and it was that part of me I despised more than I could ever hate vegas.


After claiming pete, I left him in the bed. I needed time to gather my fucking thoughts. I went to my bedroom and put on briefs but didn't bother cleaning my thighs or face. It was late in the evening, so porsche should still be in his bedroom with kinn.

I could still taste pete, sweet and metallic.

The sweetest triumph of my life.

Fuck. This boy ...

I fixed myself a drink, a bourbon, then leaned against the bar, swirling the liquid in the glass, fucking averse to washing away his taste. The memory still burned bright.

This was the moment I'd worked toward, had been patient for. For once in my life I'd been patient.

Your reward will be worth it.

I will be your first angel.

pete was so much more than I'd hoped for. he was magnificently gorgeous, ruinously breathtaking. Even lesser men would kill to have someone as regal as him in their bed only once. I almost got a fucking boner thinking about how Danilo would feel seeing the sheets with pete's virgin blood on them, how acutely he'd feel the loss of something he had desired from afar for years, something that had almost been in his reach only to be painfully ripped from him. It was enough to drive even the most controlled man into a rampage.

And his father and brother ... for them it would be a painting of their greatest failure.

"That smile on your face creeps me the fuck out," takhun muttered as he came in, smelling of perfume and sex.

"Thinking of my next message for Dante," I said, setting the glass down without taking a single sip. I couldn't bear the idea of getting rid of pete's taste just yet.

takhun 's eyes flitted down to my upper thighs coated in pete 's blood then up to my face.

He crossed his arms. "Either you mauled a kitten and rubbed your face and groin all over the spoils or you had a disturbing meeting with virgin pussy."

Something dark and possessive burned my chest hearing him talk like that about pete . I shoved it down. "Not a virgin anymore."

takhun regarded me curiously then shook his head with a disbelieving laugh. "You really got him to come willingly into your bed. Fuck, Vegas, you must have twisted that boy's mind."

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