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You are vegas theerapanyakul. You are Capo. You rule over the Bangkok. Who could stop you from having me?” I murmured. My God. What was wrong with me?

  His fingers shifted on my neck, loosening, and he pulled back to meet my gaze, and I wished he hadn’t because the fierceness in his eyes was like the first breath of air after holding your breath for too long.

  “The only force on this earth that can stop me is you. You’re the only one I’d allow to do so,” he said in a dark voice. He kissed me, a slide of his lips over mine. “How much longer will you?”

  I wanted to deepen the kiss. My fingers trembled against Vegas ’s chest. I wanted to look away from his dark eyes and at the same time I wanted to drown in their power. I wanted so many things when he was around. Things I’d always be forbidden to want.

  A man of unparalleled cruelty. My captor. My enemy.

  I stumbled back, wheezing.

  “Do you want to run again?” The dark amusement in his voice wasn’t as convincing as it usually was. He sounded strained.

  I didn’t want to run, and that was the problem because I should want to run from the desire. I took another step back.

  vegas smiled darkly. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you as scared of me as you are now.”

  Terrified. I was completely terrified. I turned and ran back to the mansion. On the terrace I collided with porsche, and we had to grip each other to keep our balance. My eyes met kinn’s—he was standing behind him as always—and for a moment I was sure he’d attack me, but porsche pulled away from me.

  “Hey, are you alright?” he asked, touching my arm, looking concerned.

  I nodded jerkily.

  “You sure? Did vegas do something?”

  Did he? Or did I? The lines were getting blurry. Vegas was right. Every day I was here things got more complicated. Captivity broke me, only not in the way I thought it would.

  kinn’s gaze moved past us. I knew whom he was seeking.

  “No,” I whispered in reply to his question.

  Porsche frowned. “Come on. Let’s go inside.”

  “porsche,” kinn warned.
No,” he said firmly. “This is getting ridiculous. Pete won’t hurt me.”

  he took my hand and led me inside where he pushed me down on the sofa. Vegas and kinn remained outside. I could hear the low rumble of their voices. It sounded as if they were in an argument.

  Porsche handed me a glass of water then sat down beside me. “Is it because of your brother? Kinn said they allowed him to return to the Outfit. That’s good, isn’t it?”

  I nodded. It was. My brother. My family. The Outfit. My fiancé. I owed all of them loyalty. I owed them resistance and a fight.

  “pete?” Porsche touched my thigh.

  I met his compassionate gaze and touched his hand. “I’m losing myself.”

  His eyes widened then flitted to the French windows. “You know, I was completely terrified of Vegas in the beginning. But I saw sides of him that made me realize he’s more than brutality and cruelty.”

  “Vegas is the cruelest man I know. He is beyond redemption.”

  he smiled sadly. “Maybe he just needs someone who will show him the path to redemption.”

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