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Porsche took my bag from big and led me upstairs into Vegas wing. I knew the way by heart, but his company felt good. When we stepped into my old room, my breath caught in my throat at the rush of memories that overwhelmed me, but another loud wail from Paris snapped me out of it. I moved over to the bed and carefully lowered them down on it.

  Porsche kept throwing glances at my twins, longing in his gaze. “How can I help you?”

  I opened the bag and held out the baby formula. In the evening, they always needed the bottle to calm down. “Could you prepare two bottles?”

  Porsche returned fifteen minutes later with the bottles and settled beside me on the bed. “Why don’t you feed Venice while I take care of Paris,” I suggested.

  His eyes lit up. “Thank you.”

  I laughed. “You’re helping me. I should thank you.”

  he grinned as he took Venice and settled him on his lap.

  “I should warn you. He’s a bit of a wrestler.”

  Porsche brought the bottle to Venice’s mouth, and as expected his little hands reached for the bottle, trying to snatch it out of his hand. he laughed.

  I blinked back tears as I focused on Paris, who was happily drinking, her big dark eyes peering up at me sleepily. Emotions painfully tightened in my chest.

  vegas had to survive. I couldn’t believe fate would be so cruel to rip him from me before he could see his children. Maybe vegas deserved death, but I didn’t care. He needed to live for Paris and Venice.

  “He’ll love and protect them,” Venice murmured.

  vegas would protect them. Was he capable of love? I wasn’t sure.

  After Porsche left, I lay down beside my babies, who were already asleep after their feeding. I didn’t have beds for them or anything else except for the few things I’d stuffed into the backpack.

  I closed my eyes. The image of vegas in his blood flashed into my mind, and I shuddered.

  I must have fallen asleep because paris wail woke me shortly after. It was the first night without the help of Samuel or my mother, and a heavy weight settled in the pit of my stomach thinking about my family. I wasn’t sure how my future nights would be. Would I handle everything on my own?

  I was up early the next morning and blinked against the soft light streaming in through the window. I had barely slept, and not just because of my twin’s erratic schedule. Worry for vegas had haunted my sleep. I got myself and my babies ready before I headed downstairs, carrying them on my hips.

  Following the scent of coffee and bacon, I made my way into the kitchen but stopped in the doorway. Macau, takhun, and kinn were sitting around the kitchen table while Porsche was stirring something in a big pot. All eyes turned to me, and I swayed on my feet. I’d always been the enemy, the captive, and now I was what? A guest? An intruder?

  “Good morning,” I said then turned to kinn, fear clogging my throat. “How is he?”

  “Stable. A few broken bones, bruises, rupture of the spleen. He’s upstairs, knocked out with pain meds.”

  “He won’t like that one bit,” takhun said grinning. “You know he prefers pain to being helpless.”

  I still hadn’t moved from the doorway.

  “I’m preparing a pumpkin puree for the babies. I hope that’s okay?” Porsche chimed in.

  I nodded. Kinn grabbed a chair and pulled it back for me. With a small smile, I approached the table and sank down. Venice knocked kinn’s glass over, spilling water over him.

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