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My core tightened as his familiar manly scent flooded my nose, and memories of how  vegas hands, his mouth, his cock had felt came to the surface ...

  I drew back, coming to my senses, and slipped out from under vegas arm. He gave me a knowing smile before I hurried away. But I had seen the proof of his body’s reaction to me in the bulge of his sweatpants.

  Only one week until Christmas. The mansion was decorated beautifully with red baubles, golden tinsel, and sprigs of mistletoe. Luckily  Paris and Venice weren’t mobile yet or the greenery would have had to go. I’d sent Samuel a few messages, telling him I was safe and asking if he was okay. He hadn’t replied yet but I knew he’d read the messages. Maybe his hurt was still too fresh. Five days weren’t enough to come to terms with the fact that your brother betrayed you for a man you hated more than anything in the world. My messages to Mom and Sofia hadn’t even been received. I suspected Dad had gotten new phones for them so I couldn’t contact them.

  I approached  porsche as he stirred a new batch of baby food, a sweet potato puree. “Do you get Christmas presents for each other?”

  kinn had given me a credit card from one of the Theerapanyakul bank accounts yesterday, and while I’d wanted to decline at first, I took the card. Vegas seemed determined to make sure I had everything I needed. Still, it felt a bit odd to use their own money to buy them presents, but it wasn’t as if I could access my family’s accounts anymore.

  “Well, last year was still a bit of a Christmas trial. Kinn and his brothers still need to get used to a male touch in their life, but I got them gifts, and a few days after Christmas I got gifts from them as well.” he laughed. “I think this year they might have gifts on time.”

  “I don’t know what to get any of them. I don’t know them well enough, and I don’t really feel like part of this family yet ...”

  he touched my shoulder. “But you are, pete. It’s a strange situation for all of us, but it’s the best thing that could have happened, especially for vegas.”

  “You think?” I whispered.

  “I know it,” he said firmly. “How are things between you?”

  “I’m trying to keep my distance. I’m scared of allowing too much closeness too fast.”

  “But you want to be with him?”

  I laughed. “I don’t think I have a choice.”

  “He won’t force you.”

  “That’s not what I mean,” I said quietly. “I don’t think my heart or my body will leave me a choice.”

  he nodded, understanding filling his face. “I’m so happy for the both of you, the four of you.”

  “Do you think vegas capable of ... love?”

  porsche looked thoughtful. “He and kinn went through horrible things as children. It formed them into the men they are today. It still affects them. I’m not sure what it did to vegas. If parts of him were irrevocably destroyed ...”

  I didn’t ask what kind of horrors lay in  vegas past. Porsche would have told me if he thought it was his place to share. If I wanted to find out, I’d have to ask him.

  “If you want to go Christmas shopping, we can go together tomorrow. Big could guard us.”

  “That would be nice,” I said.

  Despite kinn’s words of protest, vegas came down for dinner that evening, and we all settled around the dining room table. Paris and Venice were in their new high chairs between porsche and me. I had taken over the job of trying to wrangle food into Venice’s mouth since Paris seemed to do well around porsche. I could feel vegas eyes on us the entire time with an expression I could only describe as longing. My food was getting cold anyway, so I decided to give him a chance to be a real dad.

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