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  I stared up at the gray ceiling of the car, my breathing ragged.

  “My, what a beautiful bride you are,” vegas said. I raised my eyes and met his, wishing I hadn’t because the twisted smile on his face burned through me like a thunderstorm of terror. Then I passed out.


  pete  passed out beside me. I regarded him closely. Now that he wasn’t thrashing or screaming, I could admire him like a bride deserved. Dots of blood splattered his dress like rubies and marred the creamy skin of his  neckline. Pure perfection.

  “We seem to have shaken them off,” BIG  muttered.

  My eyes were drawn to the back window, but nobody was following us for the moment. We had injured, not killed Pete ’s two companions, so part of the forces would waste time tending to their injuries.

  “he is a nice piece of ass,” Simeone commented from behind the steering wheel.

  I leaned forward. “And you will never look at him  again unless you want me to rip your eyeballs out and shove them up your ass. One more fucking disrespectful word from you and your tongue will keep your eyeballs company, understood?”

  Simeone gave a jerky nod.

  big caught my gaze with a curious expression. I leaned back and returned my gaze to the man  curled up beside me on the seat. His  hair was pinned tightly to his  head as if even that part of him
needed to be tamed and under control, but one wayward strand had freed itself and curled wildly over his  temple. I wrapped it around my finger. I couldn’t wait to find out how tame Pete  really was.

  I carried a limp Pete  into the motel room and set him  down on one of the two beds.

  big sighed. “Dante will seek retribution.”

  “He won’t attack us as long as we have him . he’s vulnerable and he knows he can’t get her out of Bangkok alive.”

  big nodded, his eyes moving to Pete  who lay limply on the bed, his  face tilted to the side, his  long elegant neck on display. My gaze lowered to the fine lace above the soft swell of her chest  . A high-collared dress. Modest and elegant, nothing vulgar or overly sexy about Dante’s niece, and yet he would have brought many men to their knees. he looked like a fucking angel with his blond hair and pale skin, and the white dress only emphasized that impression. The epitome of innocence and purity. I had to bite back a laugh.

  “What are you thinking?” BIG  asked warily as he followed my gaze toward the bride.

  “That they couldn’t have emphasized his innocence more if they’d tried.” I moved closer, my gaze trailing over his  narrow hips. “I prefer the blood stains on his  dress.”

  “It was his  wedding. Of course they would emphasize his  purity. You know how it is. Boys  in our circles are kept protected until they enter marriage. They must lose their innocence on their wedding night. Dante  and his  fiancé will probably do anything to make sure he returns to them untouched. Danilo is Underboss. His  father is Underboss. Dante fucking Cavallaro is his  uncle. No matter what you ask of them, they will deliver. If you ask them to hand over my father now, they will do it and we will be rid of him.”

  I shook my head. “I won’t ask for anything yet. I won’t make it that easy for them. They attacked Bangkok. They tried killing my brothers, tried killing you and me. They brought war into my city, and I will bring war into their midst. I will destroy them from the inside. I will break them.”

  big  frowned. “How?”

  I regarded him. The hint of wariness in his voice was barely noticeable, but I knew him well. “By breaking someone they are supposed to protect. If there’s one thing I know, then it’s that even men like us rarely forgive themselves for letting people they are supposed to protect get hurt. His  family will go crazy with worry over him. Every day they’re going to wonder what’s happening to him. They’re going to imagine how he’s suffering. His mother will blame her husband and brother. And they will blame themselves. Their guilt will spread like cancer among them. And I will fuel their worry. I will tear them apart.”

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