(2) Gojo Satoru I Sweet Sugar Candy Man

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It was no secret to anyone that Satoru had a sweet tooth. He could wipe out a whole isle of sweets if he wanted to.

You had started working at the local sweet store and would see him nearly every single day. You wondered how he would be able to afford so many sweets and not have an upset tummy.

Today was like no other, he walked into the store and was greeted with a smile with hair as white as snow and eyes covered by a black blindfold.

"Good Morning sweet lady!" he says waving to you walking up to the till.

"Morning Satoru, what can I get for you today?"

He was looking around at all the sweets that were on the shelves tapping his finger on his chin "Hmm, I wonder what I haven't had yet" he ponders to himself.

"I think you might have had one of everything by now?" you say with a light chuckle.

He looked at you though his blindfold, eyes wide. You didn't know that though "I have?"

"More than likely, my boss is in the back making a new batch of sweets at the moment, I don't know what they are but she said they would be a mix between sweet and sour" you informed him on the new sweet he is more than likely to buy.

"When will it be out?"

"That I do not know, I can go into the back and ask her?"

"If it isn't any trouble"

"Not at all"

You made your way into the back to check on what your boss was doing. She was in the process of packing the first few bags of the new sweet she had made.

"Ah y/n what are you doing back here?"

It was very rare for you to go into the back during you working hours, you mainly worked the till.

"Satoru is here and I was telling him about the new sweet you were making, he wanted to know when it would be ready" you tell your boss the reasoning for your presence.

"Ah lover boy is here, take this bag it was the first one" she gave you a small bag of the new sweet she had made "This one is on the house"

"Are you sure"

"Of course, now go and don't keep him waiting" your boss shooed you out of the back and to the front of the shop where Satoru was looking around the shop for the millionth time.

He looked over to you and saw there was a small bag in your hand with sweets, his eyes went wide and he could feel saliva building up in his mouth.

"These ones are on the house, we have a rule that the first sweets of a new batch are on the house so here" you raised a hand to give them to Satoru.

"I should come more often then"


(466 words) i will  try and remember the ones i posted before this along with new ones

jjk oneshots vol.2Where stories live. Discover now