(4) Geto Suguru I Modeling

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He had been a model at the biggest company in Japan and you were going to be in one of his shots.

Your manager had said beforehand the positions the two of you would be in were going to be quite... suggestive. Little would be left to the imagination.

You had seen some of the work he had done in the past and he was handsome to say the least. His perfectly sculpted jaw, his long hair and lashes... no wonder women and men were drooling over him.

News spread like wildfire that you would be collaborating with him and the media caught wind of it. They started to make up stories before the two of you had been in the same room as one another!

The day finally came where you would be having your shoot with the famous Geto Suguru... and you were nervous.

Walking into the building, you were intimidated by the high ceilings and the black doors labelled filming room, dressing room and so much more.

"Ah miss y/n, we were wondering when we would be seeing you today" you were greeted by a man with hair as white as snow and eyes covered by small circular black glasses.

"Sorry, traffic was a little busy today" you apologised for your lateness.

"No worries miss, we expected that being a Monday morning"

The man with white hair guided you to one of the dressing rooms you had seen earlier and your name was on the door "We have a room here for you, Geto will be round to speak with you and give you a little run down on the day" and with that, he was gone. You never caught his name.

After ten minutes of looking around the room at all the clothes that you would be wearing throughout the day, there was a knock on the door. You let whoever was on the other side of the door with a simple "Come in" and so they did.

You were greeted with Geto, holding flowers with a smile on his face.

"y/n, it's so lovely to meet you. My manager Gojo just told me you had arrived" that must be the white haired man you were talking to not that long ago.

"It's nice to meet you too"

He handed the flowers to you, specifically your favourite flowers and gave you the rundown on what the two of you would be doing throughout the day during the shoots.

The scenes would be quite intimate to say the least.

"If you ever feel uncomfortable at all, let me know" he was looking out for you.

"Thank you Geto" you were appreciative of him looking out for you.

"Please, call me Suguru"

And the rest was history captured on film...


(443 words) i downloaded c.ai last night...

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