(8) Nanami Kento I Quitting His Job

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It was very rare that Nanami would have a day off from work. They would be working him to the bone at the office and last night was his final straw. He was sick of working overtime and not getting paid for it.

He also missed spending time with you. Leaving you in the bed in the morning was something he didn't like to do but he knew he had to. Waking up next to you was his favourite part of the day and kissing you goodnight.

He came home from work last night and threw his briefcase onto the coffee table and threw his tie on top of the briefcase after. You were in the kitchen when you heard the thud in the living room and you went to see what the fuss was about.

When you arrived in the living room, you were greeted with the sight of your husband, exhausted. He threw himself onto the sofa and unbuttoned a couple of the buttons on his shirt and let out a deep sigh.

You were hesitant to speak at first but eventually did "Everything okay Kento?"

He didn't respond right away and just looked at you with tired eyes. He didn't need to speak for you to understand he was tired "I will get you a drink and flannel for your eyes"

You made your way back into the kitchen and got him a warm flannel and one of his favourite alcoholic beverages along with a glass of water. You walked back into the living room with a tray holding the drinks and flannel.

He took the flannel off the tray and put it on his eyes and leaned back, spreading his legs relaxing. The drinks were placed on the coffee table after the briefcase and tie have been moved off.

"Was work tiring again?" you asked, breaking the silence.

"I quit" he said with a deep voice.

He... quit? "I just need you"

In the morning, Nanami woke up with a smile. He could spend a morning with you. Cuddle you longer and hold you closer. That morning, you knew he made the right decision of quitting working in the office as a businessman.

He littered your face with kisses and ran his hands all over your body. You couldn't help but smile. This is the side of Nanami you never really got to see because he was so exhausted from work.

"I love you, darling"


(398 words) little short but oh well

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