(15) Nanami Kento I Rainy Day

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You loved the rain, especially when it was thundering. Nanami would find you sitting at the balcony's window staring at the rain falling from the sky and the droplets having a race on the window.

Tonight was one of those nights. It had been storming all day and he had come back from work at the office to see you looking out the window. You didn't hear him come in as you were too focused on watching the rain falling from the sky.

He let out a small chuckle and set his briefcase on the kitchen counter and took off his tie and blazer, placing them on the back of one of the chairs in the kitchen.

Nanami went to sit down on the sofa that was behind you, still keeping an eye on you.

"Enjoying yourself, sweetheart?" he speaks, breaking the silence.

The sudden sound of someone speaking made you jump ever so slightly. Looking over your shoulder, you are met with the sight of your husband, relaxing on the sofa after a long day at work.

"Oh, you're home" you say, speaking the obvious.

"Yes, I am home," he smiles.

You got up from the floor and made your way over to Nanami. He opened his arms, as a silent message for you to give him a hug. You do as his silent message says, and climb onto his lap and cuddle up close to him. His hands come to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

He adjusted himself on the sofa so he was laying length ways, with you resting against his chest. You felt one of his hands rest against the lower of your back while the other one went to rest on the back of your head.

You loved these types of moments. The moments when he would come home from work and just want to rest with you on his chest. This was also his favourite part of his afternoon routine. Come home from work and spend time with his lovely wife.

"Do you have work in the morning?" your voice was slightly muffled from resting against his chest.

"No my love. You have me all to yourself tomorrow" he placed a kiss to the top of your head and ran his fingers through your hair.

"Is there anything you want for dinner tonight? Anything specific?" your hands came to rest against his chest, supporting your head so you could look at him in the eyes.

He thought for some time before he told you what he wanted for dinner. You were about to get up but felt him pull you back down on his chest.

"Not yet darling, I want to enjoy this moment a little longer"

You respected his wishes and went back to laying on his chest. Nanami let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes. His breathing became shallow and he was asleep in minutes.

Even though he was asleep, his grip on you was still tight and you were obviously not able to get up. You wanted to make him food for when he was awake, but it seems like you have to wait resting against Nanami's chest a little longer.

You were not mad about that one bit.


(527 words) been doing a lot of posting today

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