(11) Kamo Choso I Daughter

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You had recently given birth to your first daughter to your husband Choso. He assisted in the birth and was even the one to cut the cord.

You were in recovery after the birth and Choso took over the duties you would normally do. He would take care of you and his now daughter and would always make sure you had everything you ever needed.

As your daughter grew, it was very clear she had a very strong relationship with her father. She would spend each and every waking moment with her father and it made your heart swell with love.

Today, Choso had to go to work and he left before your daughter woke up for nursery.

"Mummy?" she says walking into your bedroom.

"Yes baby?" she was holding her blanket, dragging it along with her.

"Where daddy?"

"He had to go to work baby"

Her expression saddened when she found out her father wasn't home "He will be back soon"

Throughout the time she was at nursery, Choso came home early and was expecting his daughter to be running through the house to greet him at the front door. When he didn't hear the pitter patter of little feet, he called out for you.


You were currently in the kitchen making yourself a snack "In the kitchen" you shouted out to him.

You could hear the sound of his heavy footsteps walking into the kitchen and instantly felt him wrapping his hands around your waist, putting you close to him.

"I missed you" he kissed you on the back of the neck.

"I missed you too, how was work?"

"The usual, where is my baby girl?"

"She started nursery today, she was looking for you this morning"

You and Choso were in the kitchen while you ate your snack and the sound of the front door opening and little feet pitter pattering through the house caught your attention.

She had been brought home by her grandparents.

"Daddy!" she yells, running towards her father.

Choso smiles brightly and picks her up, placing her on his hip "Hi my baby, how was your first day at nursery?"

She told him all about her day and the new friends she had made and all the toys that were there.

You looked at the interaction between father and daughter and you couldn't help but smile.

Little did Choso or your daughter know, there would be a new addition to the little family in 9 months time.

You were pregnant...


(394 words) little short but needed something soft. also... requests are open!

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