(10) Fushiguro Toji I Bodyguard

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Your parents were famous and they wanted to keep you safe. So, they decided to get you a bodyguard. They said it was to keep you safe when you and them went out on family gatherings... which you rarely went on.

Today was the day you would be meeting the bodyguard, down at your mother and fathers workplace.

You knocked on your fathers door and a faint 'come in' could be heard. You did as he said and walked into his office. He was sitting behind his desk with a massive stack of papers.

"You said you wanted me to meet someone dad" you said to him.

He looked up from the stack of papers and greeted you "Hello love, I want you to meet your new bodyguard" he pointed to the man that was standing next to him.

You looked to see where your father was pointing and saw a man who was intimidating and scary. He was dressed in all black from head to toe with a scar on his lip. You could definitely understand how he was able to become a buddy guard just by his looks.

"This is Fushiguro Toji and he will be with you wherever you go" your father looks back down at the papers on his desk.

"But I don't need a bodyguard dad, I can look after myself!" you were annoyed by how he doesn't let you go anywhere by yourself anymore ever since you turned 18.

"Yes you do. Do you not remember what happened the day you turned 18? How all the photographers were..." you interrupted him before he could carry on. "Yes, I remember that and I would like that you do not keep bringing that up"

Before the argument between you and your father could get any more heated, the man that was stood next to the desk makes his way over to you, sticking his hand out in a gesture for a handshake

"Good to finally meet you miss y/n, I will be with you on family outings and you going out alone"

You looked at him with a confused look, but shook his hand anyway to get the interaction over and done with "Yeah yeah good to meet you too, can I go now?"

Once you had asked the question, your father dismissed you from the office and as you were leaving, the feeling of someone walking behind you made you turn around and meet with the man named Fushiguro Toji.

"You don't need to stand so close to me, jeez" you continued to walk away from him over to the elevator.

He knew from the attitude you gave your father and your overall energy, he had his work cut out for him.

Throughout the time he was your bodyguard, there were numerous times you would run away from the gathering and he would end up running after you and time, he pinned you against a wall behind the back of a random restaurant.

"And where do you think you are going, darlin'?"


(492 words)

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