(9) Gojo Satoru I New Teacher

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It was a busy day at the school you had just started working at and you were meant to be shown around by someone who was teaching the first years. You were waiting at one of the classrooms you were meant to meet them at and nobody had shown up.

You look down at the watch on your wrist and see fifteen minutes had passed and there was no sign of the person who is meant to be showing you around.

"Erm, excuse me?" a voice says on your right. Looking over, you are met with a young boy with pink hair "Are you miss y/n?" he asked.

"Yes, I am," you tell the young boy.

"Hi! I'm Yuji Itadori and I will be showing you around the school. Sensei is late so I thought I might as well do it" he tells you.

"That's very lovely Yuji, I was wondering when they would come"

He showed you around the school and you didn't really pay attention to where he was taking you and where certain rooms were such as the staff rooms and the supply cupboards. The two of you were too busy talking about your interests and you guys instantly clicked.

Walking back to where he had picked you up for the self directed tour, you see a very tall man with a blindfold covering his eyes.

"Sensei!" Yuji yells waving over to the man.

"Yuji! I wondered where you were. "He walks over to you and Yuji and looks at you.

"You were the one I was meant to show around the school but it looks like Yuji has handled that for me" he says looking back over to Yuji "You need to go to class or you will be late" he says to the pink haired boy.

The young boy skips his way over to his class and you watch as he leaves.

"I see you have met Yuji," the man says.

"Yeah, he is such a sweet young boy" you tried to look at his eyes, but the blindfold was still covering them.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself. I am Satoru Gojo, the strongest sorcerer and the best teacher here" you could already tell he had a very high ego.

"Nice to meet you mr Gojo, I am y/n but I guess you already know that"

For the rest of the school day, you spent your day with him going through the type of work you would be doing as a teacher. You would be the second teacher for the first years as Gojo can be very unreliable at times.

You learned that on your very first day.


(427 words)

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