(14) Kamo Choso I Daughter Part 2

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<requested by @ella_ki8ses>

You made a little gift bag with some baby clothes and the positive pregnancy test and left it on Choso's nightstand. He would be home soon from work and you were excited to tell him.

Over the past couple of weeks, he had been expressing an interest in having another kid, and it was lucky you were pregnant with another. He also discussed the idea of having a son, he wanted both.

You heard the front door opening and, once again, your daughter ran to her father greeting him at the door.

"Daddy!" she yells.

Choso picked her up and placed her on his hip like he always does "Hello my little princess" a kiss was placed to the side of her head and she giggled out in joy.

You also made your way over to the door to greet your husband. He brought you into his side and also placed a kiss to the side of his head. He had both of his girls with him and he couldn't be more happy.

Choso places his daughter down on the ground and she runs off to play with her toys in the living room.

"Hi honey, how was work?" you looked up at him and his dark circles looked a little darker today and his eyes dropped a little more.

"Tiering, the workload is getting more and more"

"Go on upstairs and get changed, I left you a gift on your bedside table" you placed a kiss on his cheeks and he smiled, making his way to the bedroom.

When he got there, he noticed the little purple gift bag that was on his nightstand with some more purple tissue so he couldn't see what was in there.

He picked it up and looked over to you as if he was asking for permission to open in.

"You can open it honey" you let out a small giggle at his actions.

Choso does as you say and takes the purple tissue out of the bag and looks inside, he sees that baby clothes and looks at you confused. Why were you giving him baby clothes?

Looking closer into the bag, he sees the test. Pulling it out, he looks at it more closely. It was a positive pregnancy test. He looked over to you with wide eyes.

"You're pregnant?"

You nod your head and he asks again as if wanting conformation. He rushed over to you and hugged you tightly. Choso spins you around and jumps up and down in celebration.

"You're pregnant! I'm gonna have another baby!"


(411 words)

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