(16) Kamo Choso I Daughter Part 3

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<requested by @ella_ki8ses>

You were having another girl. Choso was ecstatic.

"Another girl?" he says at the ultrasound.

You looked over to him to see his face, he was smiling brightly at the little girl that was on the screen.

"Did you hear that honey? I'm gonna be a father to two princesses!"

A smile spread across your face as the nurse wiped off the cold gel that was on your belly "Yes, I heard"

When the two of you left the nurses office, his hand came to hold yours and took you in the direction of the car park.

"Does my baby girl know she is getting a sibling?" he asked, opening the passenger door for you.

"No, not yet. I was going to tell her tonight" you got into the car and buckled yourself in. Choso kissed you on the head before closing the door and making his way to the driver's seat.

When you arrived home, your daughter was already there with her grandparents.

"Hi my baby" you say, picking her up "Mummy!" she hugs you with her arms around your neck.

"Did you have fun today with nanna and grandpa?" they had taken her for the day while you and Choso went to find out the gender of the new baby "So much fun!"

Choso was currently in the kitchen with your parents, sharing the news of the new baby and that they will be having another girl.

After hearing the news of the new baby, your parents left after a couple of hours and it was time to tell your daughter she will be having a little sister.

"Princess, we have something to tell you" Choso says, sitting down next to her in the living room. She was currently playing with her toys.

"You are going to be a big sister soon" you tell her.

Her eyes light up like a kid in a sweet shot "Me big sister?" you and Choso both chuckle at her actions "Yes darling, you are going to be a big sister soon" Choso says to her.

She gets up and hugs you and Choso "I'm gonna be big sister!" being the child she was, she danced around the living room with one of her toys in her hands "When?"

"Soon baby, soon..."


(363 words) part three! should i try make this a book?

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