(20) Gojo Satoru I Vampire AU

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I was sitting on the sofa, minding my own business when I heard the sound of someone walking into the living room.

"I'm thirsty" the sound of a voice says beside my ear.

I let out a groan as I was trying to relax after a long day at work. "Then go and get a drink from the kitchen, you are more than capable of getting on yourself" I pick my book up from my lap and continue to read.

His nose came to rest on my neck and I could feel his mouth resting in the divot between my neck and shoulder "I need you..." Gojo says in a raspy, deep voice.

He had drawn blood from me before, but I stopped letting him after what happened last time. The easiest way to put it as to why I stopped him was... he has very little self control.

"You don't have self control Gojo, there are blood bags in the fridge, go use those'' I could hear him whine and his fangs started to lengthen when he could hear the blood flowing through my veins.

"But I want you~ you smell sooo delicious~" he could feel his mouth water, your blood was sweet and addictive.

"Gojo, if I let you, you have to promise me you will be able to control yourself. I don't fancy meeting my end so soon" you place your book down on the coffee table and turn your head to look him in his eyes.

"Yes my love, I can promise you I will be in control" he placed a hand on your cheek, looking you lovingly in your eyes "Okay" you tilt your head to the side slightly, giving him access to your neck.

He stepped to the side of the sofa, climbing on top of you, positioning himself at the right angle to get his meal. He would feel the saliva in his mouth gathering and if he hadn't swallowed, he would have drooled all over your neck.

His fangs lengthened and it wasn't long till they punctured the skin in the side of your neck. It was a sharp and dull pain which made you flinch. A hand came to rest behind your neck in a comforting manner, and the other to your waist.

Blood was being sucked out of your neck at a slow and steady pace. You placed a hand on his chest and after a couple of minutes of Gojo sucking your blood, you could feel yourself getting light headed. In an attempt to make him stop, you pushed your hand against his chest and it was unrelenting.

Gojo was in a world of his own. He hadn't tasted your blood in such a long time, the blood bags were bland and dull. The feeling of a small hand pressing against his chest finally brought him out of the daze he was in. Gojo looked down to see your pale face, you looked weak and fragile.

He had lost control... once again...


(490 words) sorry for not posting for a long time, haven't been feeling inspired much

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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