(18) Kento Nanami I In The Car

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You were waiting for your boyfriend of five years to pick you up to take you on a date. It had been a couple of days since you had seen him since he was busy at the office and he wanted to treat you.

Currently, you are doing your finishing touches to your outfit when you hear a soft knock on the front door.

He was here.

Walking to the door, the corridor echoed with the sound of your heels clicking against the marble flooring. You open the front door and are met with the sight of Nanami standing there with a bunch of flowers in his hand and dressed in a suit.

"Hello darling, sorry I haven't been able to see you for a couple days"

"It is okay, are those for me?" you ask, referring to the flowers in his hand.

"Yes they are sweetheart"

He hands the flowers to you, and you look at them in awe "I will quickly put them in a vase and we can go head to the restaurant"

He waits for you by the front door while you put the flowers in a vase. He watches you walk back over to him and he grabs you by the waist, pulling you into a deep kiss making up for the time he had been away.

The night went as planned. He takes you to the restaurant and catches up on what has happened over the past couple of days. Nanami takes you back to his place but the two of you don't make it out of the car.

You find yourself lying in the back of his car, with Nanami hovering over the top of you. His shirt was slightly unbuttoned and his tie was loose. One of his hands was resting on the seat next to your head while the other was resting on the window.

Your hands went to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to you into a passionate kiss. He accepted and lowered himself down, caging you in his arms.

The kiss started to get more passionate and he started to kiss the side of your neck, lightly biting and sucking. It didn't take him long to find your sweet spot.

"You like that" he mumbled against your neck with a smirk on his face.

Nanami went to grab one of your thighs and wrap it around his waist, pulling you that little bit closer to him. You could feel his bulge pressed against your womanhood and this turned you on more.

He let out a little chuckle, feeling you bring your other leg to wrap around him "You want this?" he whispered in your ear in a suggestive tone.

You nodded your head, looking at Nanami deeply in his eyes "I do"

He could never tell you no. Over the time you have been with him, you noticed this easily. Even if it was the smallest thing, he would do it instantly for you.

For the past couple of months, he had been wanting to start exploring in the intimacy department. He wanted to try new things and this was one of them. To be more specific, this was at the top of his list.

You could see a light in his eyes when he started to push himself inside of you. Even though the space in the back seat was a little bit too small for the two of you to be in this position, he made it work.

Fog started to steam up the windows, and from the outside of the car, it was evident what you two were up to. The car was rocking side to side and the faint sound of moaning and groaning could be heard.

With each of his thrusts, you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to your release. The feeling of being exposed and someone seeing you two getting up to something in the car turned you on that little bit more. Nanami noticed this very early on and it, too, turned him in.

"Ah~ So close~" you moaned into his ear.

"Me too darling~" he groaned into your ear, speeding up his thrusts.

It didn't take you long to feel yourself releasing on his member and he too, felt himself let loose and came inside of you painting your walls white. He stayed inside of you while he felt his member softening.

"That was amazing" you say breathless.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do this," he replied.


(731 words) might be the longest one yet...

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