(7) Ryomen Sukuna I Mafia Husband

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You didn't know he was part of the mafia. Let alone the leader of the biggest mafia's in the entire world.

When the two of you became a couple at the age of 18 and 19, you being younger, his father had made him become the leader, which allowed him to have access to heaps and heaps of money from quite a young age.

You never questioned him where all this money came from. He had told you he worked as a construction worker who paid their workers very well. He made this job as real as he could, building and fixing things around the house the two of you owned by the age of 20... of course he paid for it.

This brings us to today, age 26 and 27, the two of you were happily cuddling on the couch, watching whatever came on the TV. You were laid on his chest and he had his arms wrapped around you keeping you close.

His phone started to ring on the coffee table and he didn't bother picking it up, he wanted to spend his day off with you. The phone kept ringing and he was getting agitated.

"Aren't you going to pick that up?" you asked, looking up at him.

"No" he was blunt and straightforward with his answer.

"It could be important" you tell him.


He begrudgingly leaned over to the coffee table, keeping you in place, and picked up the phone not caring who it was.

"What do you want?"

"Boss! We need you down at the docs someone is trying to steal your shipment!" the sound of one of his men says.

"Shit, I'm on my way"

He picked you up off his chest and put you on the sofa. He bolted to the bedroom, getting a gun out of his bedside drawer and making it to the front door in under a minute.

"Wait, where are you going?" he didn't even answer you when he left the house.

You were alone for hours. He didn't even tell you where he was going or even why. You tried calling his phone but he never picked up. He would always pick up when you called, this was out of character.

It was 9pm a night when you had a phone call, it was an unknown number. You picked up thinking this was one of his work colleagues, maybe he got injured and wasn't able to pick up...

"Hello, is this mrs y/n Sukuna?" a male voice asked on the other side of the phone, you were hesitant to answer but you did.

"Yes, and who are you"

Boss got shot and he wants you down at the base's hospital wing"

"W-What do you mean?"

You were truly confused and the man on the other side of the phone could tell.

"We will send out one of his men to come and get you"

After fifteen minutes of waiting, you were in the back of a sleek black car to somewhere you didn't know with people you didn't know but claimed to know you and Sukuna.

"He is just down the hall on the right"

You followed the person's directions and went to a door which was slightly open to see your husband laying on a bed, shirtless with a bandage wrapped around his waist.

"What happened to you? Why are you here and why are people calling you a boss?" the questions fell out of your mouth and you couldn't stop them.

So, he explained everything. From when the two of you started dating and how he was able to afford such expensive things from a young age.


(586 words) spent two days writing this and am currently trying to not wake my father up as I type on my laptop...

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