(17) Fushiguro Toji I Comfort

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You were curled up in your bed, contemplating your life. Your boyfriend was out doing who knows what and you were waiting for him to come home.

Hours passed and he still had not come home. This was not out of character, he would randomly up and leave at times and be away for a couple days at a time. At the start of your relationship, you questioned his actions but after a while, you didn't. You got used to it.

The sound of your phone ringing brought you out of your thoughts, looking over, you see it was your boyfriend. After a couple rings, you answered the phone to hear what he wanted.


He always wants money and you never gave it to him. You knew why he wanted the money. It was so he could throw it all away at strip clubs and bars. It was this night, you ended it with him.

You set out the boundaries he overstepped in the relationship and the elephant in the room. He was never home and never told you where he was going.

You went to sleep crying that night and were woken up by the sound of someone knocking on your door. They continued to knock and it was evident you would not be getting out of your bed to open the door for them.

The sound of the front door to your apartment opening made you sit up in your bed. There was only one person who had the spare key to your apartment and that was Toji. A man you had met a couple years ago and was nearly 10 years older than you.

Looking at your door, you see it open slowly and are met with the sight of Toji leaning against the door frame.

"You look like shit" he says with a chuckle.

"I feel like shit" you lifted the duvet over yourself curling back up into a ball.

"What happened to you?" this was never like you. You were a confident person and would always snap back at him with a sassy remark.

"I broke up with him"

He was shocked. He knew the way he was treating you was downright disgusting and he had been telling you for months to end it with him. You told him multiple times you would, but you never had the confidence to do it.

Toji made his way to the side of your bed, slowly pulling the duvet down so he could see your face "You better not be lying to me"

Why would you lie? At the start of the relationship with him you were head over heels for him "I am not" you tried to pull the duvet back over you, but Toji was not letting you.

"Move over" he pulled the duvet out of your hands, exposing you to the coldness of your apartment. You looked up at Toji confused, he rolled his eyes and climbed into the bed with you.

Toji pulled the duvet back over you and now himself. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You were still looking up at him confused, what he was doing was out of character for him.

"Do you want comfort or not?"


(526 words) to those who came back after the first was deleted, thank you!!

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