(12) Ryomen Sukuna I Looking For His Queen

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Sukuna had been the king of curses for hundreds of years and his servants were trying to influence the idea of finding himself a lover and there being a Queen of curses.

Whenever a servant would bring up this topic, his voice would boom throughout his domain and the servant would never be seen again.

Today was slightly different though...

You found yourself to be in a room full of woman dressed in elegant clothing. You too were dressed in extravagant clothing but were never told why. They took you from your home and never told you why.

"Alright ladies, we need you all to go out into the garden and mingle around. There are men out there and one of those is the King! We won't tell you who is the king so you have to find him yourself!"

You weren't paying attention to what the people were saying, you were just hoping there would be alcohol out there and when you would be able to leave.

Half way into the event, you had drunk two whole bottles of alcohol and were planning on drinking a third.

"God, when will the event end" you mumbled to yourself.

The sound of a deep chuckle to your self brought you out of the thoughts you were in and looked over to the man who had made the sound. He was dressed in an elegant suit with tattoos all over his face and a glass of alcohol in his hand.

"I guess you don't want to be here either" you said to him, making small talk.

"Be here? This is my domain" he sipped his glass and spoke again "I am the king"

You looked at the man shocked. He was the king? You would have thought he would be a lot more older and definitely more rude "Looks like I don't fit the description of the King then"

You looked over at him and shook your head no "No, I thought the King would have been an old man looking for a young female"

He let out another chuckle and sipped his drink. He was enjoying this conversation with you.

The two of you conversed till the end of the event and you had consumed another two bottles of alcohol and were only slightly tipsy. Perks of being a heavy weight.

One of the servants gathered all the women to one side of the extravagant hall and the King came to pick out the woman he wanted. All the women that were around you were talking about the men they had spoken to and who they think the King was. You didn't fully believe the man you had spoke to was the King.

Soon enough, the man you had spoken to came into view with more servants walking behind him. He sees you at the end of the line and walks in front of all of the women at a slow pace.

When he came to stand in front of you. Looking up at him, he was holding the glass he had been drinking all night and gave you a wink.

"Hello sweetheart..."


(504 words) something a little longer. trying to remember what i posted in my deleted book

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