(19) Gojo Satoru I Baby Making

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After one year of marriage, Gojo brings up the idea of having children. At first, you were nervous but as time passed, Gojo showed he would be a great father. There would be times you and him would be out in the city and children would run up to him.

The children were always curious as to why his hair was white and the parents of the children always complimented him on how he was good with kids.

"It just comes naturally" he would tell them.

Once he would say that, he would look over to you giving you either a smirk or a wink. At first you would roll your eyes at him but after some time, you would have a little blush on your cheeks and this would not go unnoticed by him.

Tonight was the night you would be telling him you would be ready to try for a baby. You were just waiting for him to come home from the shop where he probably bought the whole sweet section.

He comes through the front door with the bags filled to the brim with... sweets and treats.

"How much did you buy?" you asked him with a giggle.

He looked down at the bags in his hands and looked back up to you with a smile on his face "Not much, just enough for the week".

He came into the kitchen where you were and placed the bags on the counter and came over to you to greet you. Gojo was a very affectionate person and he couldn't go an hour without being close to you and always needed you to be within reach.

"Gojo?" you asked, looking up at him with his hands wrapped around your waist keeping you close.

"Yes sweetie?" he looks down at you with love in his eyes.

"I have been doing a little thinking and I think I am ready..." you tell him.

He looked at you confused. Ready for what?

"Ready for what my love?"

"To have kids. I have seen how well you have been with ones who have run up to you and you have proven to me how good you are with them"

His eyes lit up like a kid in a sweet shop. His dreams had finally come true. All the times he had begged for you to give him a child have finally paid off and he couldn't hold his happiness inside of him.

"You're serious? Are you ready to have a kid?" he asks looking for confirmation, he thought he was going crazy "Yes, I am being serious. I am ready for a kid" you tell him with a smile on your face.

That night was a very special night. Typically he would go for two rounds but he just couldn't help himself.

"Baby making takes a lot of time honey" he would say after every round.

Currently, he had you folded in half on the bed shoving himself deep inside of you. He had came at least three times already in this position and he didn't plan on stopping any time soon.

You can feel him deep inside of you, it felt like he was re-arranging your insides.

He would know when you were getting close, you would tighten around him and it would make it harder for him to move inside of you. This tightness turned him on more and more, making him want to go longer and longer.

For what felt like the millionth time, you felt your high coming and the tightness in your stomach was going to snap. You tried to tell him you were close but you were a babbling mess. He knew you were close and started to tease you about it.

"You close huh?"

"Come on baby, tell me"

He would also praise you for how good you were being and this is what made you finally release. You felt yourself explode and came all over his member. He was shocked and he had never seen you release so much before and this made him release inside of you, painting your walls white.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to have a baby with you" he says breathlessly.

"Trust me, I know"


(682 words) another smut? yes

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