(5) Kamo Choso I Nervous

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His little brother Yuji had helped him realise he had feelings for you. The butterflies he felt in his stomach had a meaning to them and Yuji told him what they were.

"She makes me feel warm, like I am... human" he says to his younger brother.

Yuji was in shock, he had never thought in the time he had known his brother that he would develop feelings for you.

You were Yuji's babysitter from when he was little. You stayed around through the years he grew up and supported him more than his own parents.

"Choso, I think what you are saying means you like her"

Choso was confused. He likes you? What does that mean?

"What I am trying to say is that if you went into a room, you would look for her instantly hoping she was there. That warm feeling you are talking about is more than liking her"

It all made sense. The way he would look for you in a crowd of people and when he heard there was a curse attack, he would instantly think about you and be scared if you were hurt.

"Do I tell her?" he was conflicted on what he should do next.

"Yes, you need to tell her"

You were in your living room when you heard someone knocking on the door. You weren't expecting someone so just to be sure, you looked through the peephole in the door to see who it was.

Yuji and Choso.

You opened the door and greeted the two brothers.

"Hey guys, what are you two doing here?"

From the way the two brothers were standing, it looked like Yuji had dragged his brother there. He was dishevelled and his hair was a little bit of a mess.

"Choso has something he wants to tell you!" Yuji says with a big smile on his face.

You looked over to Choso and he looked nervous. He was looking anywhere but you.

"Choso? Are you okay?"

He finally looked you in the eyes, it took him a couple of seconds to gather himself and he finally spoke.

"You make me feel... warm inside"

It wasn't what Yuji had told him to say but it was close enough.

He made you feel warm inside?What did he mean by that? You looked over at Yuji, confused and asking for an explanation.

"What he is wanting to say is he likes you!"

The half human and half curse you had been developing feelings for had feelings for you. You blushed and looked over to Choso and said "Aww, I like you too Choso"

Yuji did a little celebratory dance and shoved his brother into your house and ran home.


(429 words) our boy choso has feelings

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