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As Toby made his way to the corner of the room, his figure gradually emerged against the backdrop of a well-known height poster adorning the wall. He stood there, holding aloft the infamous sign bearing the APD name and a number, while his initial mugshot was captured.

"What kind of nerd breaks into a museum?

The officer muttered quietly. The camera hummed softly, readying itself to capture the moment, while Toby glanced upward, his lips forming a subtle pout, eyebrows lifting in the realization of his newly acquired criminal record.

"Move to the middle. Pose."

Following Toby's movement to the side upon hearing the command "pose," a shy smile graced his lips. With each click of the camera, Toby struck a different pose. First, he pointed to the sign he was compelled to hold, then he attempted a "handsome" expression while extending the sign further outward. Next, he held the sign above his head. The officer grew increasingly irritated by Toby's antics.

"Okay, come on."

A surprise picture had Toby closest to the camera, with another click.

"No, stop! Next!"

Jim emerged from the opposite side, his posture drooping as he let out a sigh, devoid of any smile. As the camera's whirring intensified, so did Toby's eyes peering from the bottom of the frame. With a decisive click, Toby captured a photo with his arm draped around Jim, both holding up their signs. However, Jim's expression conveyed displeasure while he forced a smile for the camera. The officer let out a groan as the picture was taken. Outside the police station, the vibrant colors of red and blue illuminated the building. Strickler and Barbara expressed their gratitude as they thanked him, Jim, and Toby from inside the car.

"I can't thank you enough for coming to the station. They are so lucky she didn't press any charges."

"Ms. Nomura is a personal friend. She agrees with me that this was nothing more than reckless youth run amok."

"I mean, who else do you think is hiding an evil troll face? Coach Lawrence? Steve? What if Strickler's one of them?"

"Strickler's been teaching history at Arcadia Oaks High since the dawn of history. If he's one, I'm one."

Jim noticed Toby's suspicious gaze fixed on Strickler, his expression betraying a lack of trust. With a scoff and a roll of his eyes, Jim pushed Toby back, reaching for the phone to find the picture Toby had taken of the bridge. However, upon inspection, the symbols were barely discernible as the image was blurred.

"I know where I've seen this bridge. It's the same one that Blinky was talking about."

"What? The Killa-thingy Bridge? That's, like, ancient history, right?"

"They're trying to break Gunmar out. This is bad, Tobes. Like, "Goodbye, Arcadia" bad. As soon as we get home, we're going to Blinky."

The two boys panicked as the driver's side car door was pulled open and Barbara's voice had startled them.

"You didn't have to go through all this trouble, Mr. Strickler."

Jim quickly handed Toby's phone back, hiding his hands as his face had held many emotions. Strickler appeared in the passenger window, startling Jim as he spoke suddenly.

"Please, "Walter." I'm sorry we had to meet under this unfortunate circumstance."

"There must be some way I can repay you. Coffee? Dinner? Appendix removal?"

As she named off what she could do for him, Jim's eyes grew and his eyebrow raised, shocked at what he heard. He looked at Toby, the two sharing a surprising look.

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