Chapter 1

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Miranda pov

"REALLY GUYS!" i yelled when i finished putting out the small kitchen fire "sorry" they all looked at their feet. I set down the fire extinguisher and turned to look at them. "What happened here" i said sternly, all the guys started talking but one thing stood out "amanda texted him and he got distracted" i looked at josh who was glaring at ian "joshua ramsay" i took a step forward "miranda adams" he mimiked my tone. "This isnt funny! This is serious, you guys couldve gotten hurt, you guys were freaking out! Smarten up josh" i grabbed the fire extinguisher and left the room hearing 3 diffrent oooooo's. i sighed as i placed the extinguisher back where it belonged, in the closet. "Miranda, im sorry." Josh walked over to me. "Youve got to be more carefull if somthing were to happened to you guys i dont know what id do" i sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "It was a mistake. You know me. I get distracted when amanda texts me" he said "yes i understand that josh, but you almost burnt down my kitchen" i pointed towards the kitchen. "I said im sorry! What more do you want me to do" he said getting angry, "i would like" i walked back to my kitchen "you four to go, so i can clean up the mess" the guys sighed "im staying to help clean up" ian said. "Thanks ian" i smiled "me two" mike said "me three" matt chimed in. "I... I have to go home amanda needs me" josh said texting again. I sighed "bye ramsay" the guys said and josh walked out. Once he left i spoke up "how does he not see that she's hiding somthing?"i asked the guys "love is blind" mike shrugged "you noticed too, thank god i thought it was just me" ian said "he's a dumb ass" matt shrugged. We stood there for a few seconds "ready to clean this shit up?" I asked "lets do it" ian smirked and turned on the sink.

After cleaning for about twenty minutes, we finally finished and the guys went home "bye guys. I loovvveee youuuu" i smiled and they chuckled "we love you too" i laughed and shut my appartment door. I looked at my stove to notice it was already 11:30 "time to sleep." I walked into the kitchen and into a cupboard. "Do i dare try these sleeping pills tonight?" I looked at the sleep-ez box "nope. Why did i even buy these" i asked myself and then skipped to my bedroom. I got changed into my -way to big for me- fix me shirt and my stewie boxers. Yes boxers. I walked back into my kitchen and grabbed the box of cinnamin toast crunch out of my cupboard. "Hey i just met you and this is crazy but heres my number. This song is so annoying" i chuckled to myself. Me and carly rae are friends and she agrees with me, when it gets stuck in your head you want to tear your hair out. I sat on my couch and turned on the tv. "Oh my fuck!" I exclaimed when 'what i like about you came on.

I was sitting there watchig tv when i heard a knock on my door "its almost twelve at night, what the fuck do you want" i said walking to the door "my bestfriend" i heard josh from the otherside, i opened my door and josh stood there with a suite case and blood shot eyes "oh my fuck" i said "what happened?"i asked letting him in "am-amanda cheated and b-broke up with m-me" he cried. I hugged him "its going to be okay" he hugged me back. "Can. Can i stay here for awhile?" He asked "of course" i took his bag and held his hand, "come on lets get you to bed" i said softly, he nodded and we walked to my room. "You can stay in here" i set his bag down. "No i can sleep on the cou-" i cut him off "your sleeping in my bed, im not going to allow you to sleep on my couch. Your too tall" he sighed "i dont want to kick you out of your bed" i chuckled "the couch transforms into my bed for the next few days, dont worry about it" he hugged me "thank you" he mumbled into my hair "your welcome, now try to get some sleep. If you need me, you know where ill be" i gave him a smile and walked back to my couch and pulled out my phone and went on twitter.

'Mirandabitches: i wanna kill a bitch...'

I heard a phone make a noise, then i heard josh chuckle a bit "thank you miranda" i heard him from my room. "Anytime" i chuckled and grabbed the blanket off my the back of my couch. And within a few minutes, i some how fell asleep. Thank the lord!

-Josh pov-

As usual i cant sleep. I just sat up in mirandas bed thinking. I hate it when i cant sleep, everything is quiet and you feel alone. And sitting in this room alone makes me feel more alone than i actually am. I stood up and quietly walked to the living room. The tv was on and there was a box of cereal leaning against the couch, i smiled a bit when i noticed miranda sleeping. I picked up the box of cinnamin toast crunch and turned off the tv. I looked back at miranda, i cant just let her stay out here alone. "Miranda" i whispered sitting on the edge of the couch by her feet. "Miranda" i whispered again. Her eyes slowly opened "are you okay?"she sat up. "I cant sleep" i sighed, she moved her feet off the couch and sat beside me. "Whats up" she asked and laid her head on my shoulder "i cant sleep alone" i looked down, it was some what true, i slept better with amanda with me. "Okay" she stood up tiredly, wrapped the blanket around her body and held out a hand. I took her hand and we walked back to her room. She got into her bed and i slipped in beside her. She rolled over so she was facing me. "You okay?" She reached over and wiped a tear away with her thumb. I never knew i was crying. "Im fine" i sighed, she moved closer to me "its going to be okay, im going to clean out my spare room, and your going to move out of that appartment and move here" i was surprized that she said that "what about bennie and the cats?" I asked "im sure ill survive with them here" she gave me a small smile "thank you, so much" i pulled her close and hugged her "now you better try to get some sleep" she kissed my cheek and closed her eyes. I was laying in mirandas bed, with her in my arms. I know im supposed to be all sad but miranda just made my night 10 times better.



Douchey Fuck <3

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