Chapter 26

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Josh pov

After me and miranda explained how we met, Cathryn was just staring at us. "So, if i wasnt there... You two never would've became friends" she spoke up. Miranda looked at me then back at her "i guess so" she thought aloud "good thing i left then eh" cathryn gave a sad chuckle "i missed you so much when you left" miranda said "i missed you too." Cathryn paused "i better get going though, ill see you guys later" she smiled and stood up. Miranda also stood up and walked her to the door, i heard them talking then the door shut. "Well that was interesting" i chuckled as she sat down on my lap it was" she kissed me "we havent talked about how we met for a while" i thought aloud "your right" she chuckled "we have no-one to share our awesome friendship with" i said over dramatically "i know right! All our friends already know, damn them" she held up her fist. "You know what though" i smirked "what?" She asked confused "They will never know the first time we kissed" i smirked and kissed her "we were drunk, it was very special" she had a cheeky smile on "let me correct the" i paused "i was just a little bit non sober, you were sober as hell" i laughed then it was silent. "i was up for four days straight after that kiss" she spoke "6" i said "days?" She said surprized "yeah, it made me smile when i was in the worst place ever" i smiled

-Flash back, josh pov-

My last night of freedom..I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, Matts at work and mirandas grounded for knowing me. Im sitting on my bed with a half empty bottle of beer, this'll be my last one for awhile. "Don't pick me up off the ground, I'll be fine in a lost and found. Just when I start to force a smile, Just when I'm laughing all the while, I've been faking it. Playing Dead. But its all been just for pretend,Maybe you can pretend, To bring me to life again, sometime" i quietly sang to myself untill i heard something hit my window, my head shot to my window and i saw miranda sitting out there. "What on gods green earth are you doing" i chuckled opening my window "i had to see you before you left" she said coming through my window as i helped her in "do your parents know?" I asked "my parents think im sleeping" she smirked "you little badass you... I like you" i chuckled and tapped her nose and walked over to my bed again "so, are you allowed to leave?" She asked and sat infront of me "doubt it" i sighed "lets run away" miranda said randomly "what?" I chuckled "lets run away, get the hell outta dodge" she gave me a cute smile "you have school, you cant just run" i said "i can drop out, it'll be fun" she smiled "where would we go?" I asked "anywhere! We can just start over, new life in a new town" she seems so happy "just you and me?" I smiled at the thought "yeah, or we can kidnap matt at work. So you guys can still start your band" she chuckled "joshua, who are you talking to?" My mom knocked on the door then walked in "oh hi miranda" my mom smiled "hi carolynn" miranda smiled and did a small wave "what are you two doing?" She asked "i came over to ask if i could take josh out... It's gunna be the last time i see him for awhile" miranda looked down at her lap sadly "if you have him back by twelve, then okay" my mom smiled "really" i smiled "yeah, go have fun" she paused "with no drugs" she finished "thank you" miranda and i got off the bed and hugged her "see you guys later" she chuckled when we released her "love you mom" miranda and i called to her "love you guys too" she laughed "lets go" miranda grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my house. "Where are we going" i asked once we started to walk down the street, "to get my car" she laughed and jumped on my back "where are we going after that?" I asked carrying her "i dunno, where do you want to go?" She asked "lets go to the boardwalk" i smiled "okay" she set her chin on my shoulder, "im gunna miss you ramsay" she mumbled "im gunna miss you too adams" i said. She sighed and the rest of the walk to her house was silent.

"Okay, stay over here, i need to go and steal my keys" miranda said as she led me to the side of the house. "Okay, be carefull" i said as she ran to the tree "always am" she smiled back.

I heard the door open and i heard miranda "i'll see you guys later" she called then i heard the door shut. She awkwardly fast walked to the driverside and unlocked the car, the car was pulled into the driveway so the passangerside was facing the front door "meet me at the light pole" she pointed to the light pole a few houses away, i nodded and fast walked to the pole. Once i got there she pulled out of the drive way and drove over to me. "Hey hitch hiker need a ride" she pushed open my door "that would be great" i chuckled and got in "i grabbed money too, wanna grab a late dinner" she asked "i dont want you paying for me" i sighed "too late!" She smirked and we started to drive.

"Welcome to mcdonalds, may i take your order" the person said over the intercom "hi, can i get two bigmac meals with coke" miranda spoke "is that all?" The person asked "yuppers" miranda chuckled "your total is $15.43 at the first window please" miranda drove forward. For it only being 9 its dead here. "$15.43" the guy said at the window, miranda handed him a twenty and he handed her back her change "thanks" she smiled and drove ahead to get the food. Once we got it we started to drive towards the boardwalk. I couldnt help but smile when miranda turned up the radio and sang along while eating fries. "Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken , Your best friend always sticking up for you... even when I know you're wrong. Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone conversation. The best soy latte that you ever had... And me. Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet, Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day. And head back toward the milky way..." She sung to drops of jupiter, her favorite song at the moment.

"Here we are" miranda laughed and pulled the keys out of the ignition, i grabbed the bag of food and we walked over to the boardwalk and sat on the edge.

"Cant believe your leaving tomorrow" miranda sighed after we were finished eating, "i cant believe it either... You have to promise me somthing when im gone" i said looking her in the eyes "anything" she said "dont cut" i said, she quickly looked at her lap and pulled down her sleeves even more. "I dont know" she mumbled "please... For me" i pleaded "fine" she sighed and ran a hand through her hair "i love you miranda, your my bestfriend. I cant lose you" i pulled her closer to me. "I love you too josh, and you wont lose me. Remember, we're going to grow old and live in the same old folks home swearing at the teenagers for walking on the lawn" she chuckled "and matts gunna be squirming on the floor cause he fell down" i added "yes, and i will laugh at him" she smirked "will you write to me?" I asked randomly "every chance i get" she smiled. I smiled back and did somthing i never thought id do. I kissed her, and she kissed back.

-end of flashback-

*do you guys like these flashbacks or should i stop??


Douchey fuck

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