Chapter 18: Straight to The Heart

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{Benji's time in Ohio}

     Benji had been staying with Ruth and her family for almost a month now.  In that time, he had seamlessly become a part of their lives.  He and Ruth had grown incredibly close, leaning on each other for strength and support as they navigated the aftermath of her harrowing experience.  They spent most of their days together, sharing everything from mundane errands to moments of deep conversation.  Evenings were often spent together at Ruth's church, where they both volunteered with the youth group, and went for Bible studies.  One evening, while Ruth was in the shower after a long day of helping at the church, Benji found himself alone in the kitchen with Ruth's mother.  She was preparing a pot of soup for supper, and quietness filled the room after they had been talking about how Ruth and Benji met at VidCon.  Benji leaned against the counter, and he began to feel a mixture of nervousness and fear overtake him.  Ruth's mother looked up from her task, her eyes softening as she acknowledged Benji.  "I can see how much Ruth means to you," she began, her voice gentle.  Benji nodded, his expression earnest.  "She means everything to me.  I don't know what I would have done if anything had happened to her or if my friends and I hadn't found her."  Ruth's mother smiled warmly, pouring a cup of chicken into a pot with the broth.  "You've been such a blessing to her, Benji.  When she disappeared and we never heard from her, I was so worried about how she was, but the police kept us in the loop as much as possible.  I'm so glad you've been right by her side, helping her readjust to her life here and that you've been with her through her healing process."  Benji felt his heart swell with happiness as Ruth's mother spoke.  "She's been through so much.  I just want to be there for her in any way I can."  Ruth's mother handed him a small cup of soup to try, and they sat down at the kitchen table.  "You've done more than that," she said, her tone serious but kind.  "You've given her hope, Benji.  She's stronger because of you."  He looked down at his cup, feeling the weight of her words.  "I care about her more than I can put into words.  I want to make sure she's safe, that she knows she's loved and taken care of."  Ruth's mother reached across the table and placed her hand on his.  "I can see that, Benji.  And I can see how much she cares about you too.  You've become such an important part of her life.  I do believe that God had a hand in bringing you two together at VidCon."  Benji met her gaze, his heart full of unspoken words.  "I'm so grateful to be here with her, and to be a part of her life.  I've never felt this way about anyone before."  She squeezed his hand gently.  "You're a good man, Benji.  And She is a good young woman.  I truly think you and Ruth are good for each other.  Just continue to help her heal, and let your friendship continue to grow."  Benji nodded, feeling a sense of relief.  "I will.  I promise."  As they finished their conversation, the sound of Ruth's footsteps could be heard upstairs.  Ruth's mother smiled at Benji, her eyes twinkling with motherly affection.  "She's lucky to have you as a friend, Benji."  "And I'm lucky to have her," he replied softly.

     Later that evening, as the house settled into calmness, Ruth was watching a movie with her sisters, while Benji found himself in her father's office.  Ruth's father was a man of many words, and when he spoke, his words carried weight.  He invited Benji to sit down in the leather chair across from his desk, Ruth's mother sat down beside her husband, and the atmosphere very serious.  "Benji," he began, folding his hands on the desk in front of him, "We've noticed how close you and Ruth are and have become."  Benji nodded, feeling the intensity of the moment.  "Yes.  I care about her very much."  Ruth's father studied him for a long time, his expression unreadable.  "Ruth is our oldest daughter, Benji.  She's been through more than she should have ever had to endure.  And as her father, it's my job to protect her."  Benji straightened in his chair, meeting Ruth's parent's gazes with unwavering sincerity.  "I understand.  I want to protect her too.  I would never do anything to hurt her."  Ruth's father leaned back in his chair, his eyes still locked on Benji.  "We believe you, Benji.  We've seen how much you've done and do for her.  But we know how complicated life is, especially when emotions and feelings are involved."  Benji took a deep breath and knew he had to express how he felt.  "I've been thinking a lot about my friendship and current relationship with Ruth," Benji began, his voice filled with emotion.  "I love her deeply, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.  That's why I'm in here.  To ask for both of your blessings to propose to your daughter.  I haven't told her yet, but I do plan to and soon.  And I want to be there for her, in whatever way she needs."  Ruth's father's stern expression softened slightly.  Ruth's mom spoke up and said, "Love is a powerful thing, Benji.  It can be the most wonderful thing in the world, but it also comes with decisions.  If you're serious about Ruth, we need you to understand that."  "I do," Benji replied, his voice steady.  "I want what's best for her and I want to be with her for the rest of my life.  If that means taking things slow or waiting for her, then I'm willing to do that."  Ruth's parents nodded, seemingly satisfied with Benji's response.  "Good, because Ruth doesn't need any more pain right now after everything that has happened.  She needs someone who will stand by her, no matter what."  Benji's heart swelled with determination.  "I'm committed to being that person.  I'll do whatever it takes."  There was a brief silence as Ruth's parents considered his words.  Finally, they gave a small nod to each other and her father spoke, "We appreciate your honesty, Benji.  But I think it would be best for you to leave and go back to Germany."  "I'm sorry, sir, what?" Benji said, feeling his heart drop at her father's words.  "I don't understand.  Why should I leave?  I'm asking for permission to marry your daughter, and you're asking me to leave?"  Ruth's mother looked at her husband, a look of concern in her eyes.  Ruth's father, however, kept his gaze steady on Benji.  "I truly appreciate you sitting down to talk with us, Benji," Ruth's father said slowly.  "But I think it's too early for her to be married or in any form of relationship.  Not only that, but Ruth has been through so much, she needs time to heal and to live her life here again.  We're not saying you don't care for her, but she deserves the chance to meet other men and to experience life outside of this friendship or relationship with you before making any decisions."  Benji's heart sank at the words spoken, and a wave of heartbreak began to wash over him.  He was certain of his feelings, positive that Ruth was the one for him.  But now, faced with her parent's hesitation, he felt his hopes crumbling.  "I understand." Benji managed to say, his voice strained.  "I would never want to rush Ruth or make her feel pressured to make a decision.  I just... I care about her so much."  Ruth's father nodded, his expression sympathetic but firm.  "We know you do, Benji.  And We're grateful for everything you've done.  But sometimes, the best thing you can do for someone you love is to walk away and give them space to grow."  Benji nodded, feeling a deep sense of loss.  He thanked them both for their time and understanding, then quietly left the room.  As Benji exited the office, the heartbreak he felt was very painful.

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