Chapter 22: Endless Newlywed Bliss

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{The remainder of the Honeymoon}

     Ruth and Benji spent their honeymoon days in Hawaii, enjoying the adventure and beauty the island had to offer.  Each morning, they woke up early, and read the Bible together before leaving their hotel suite.  The second day, they went go to explore the lush, green mountains, hiking along trails that led them to breathtaking waterfalls and panoramic views of the ocean.  They laughed together as they navigated the winding paths, Benji always reaching out to help Ruth over tricky terrain, and Ruth seen how much his love for her shown through his helpfulness.  The third day, they decided to go zip-lining.  As they went soaring high above the treetops, the wind blowing in their faces, and the stunning scenery around them was so beautiful.  Ruth's heart raced with excitement as she flew through the air, Benji following close behind her.  The thrill of the moment made them feel alive, as if they could conquer anything together.  In the afternoons, they swam in the crystal-clear waters of the beautiful beaches, enjoying the peace and quiet of their private moments.  The ocean's gentle waves carried away any lingering stress, leaving them relaxed and content.  They would lie on the sand, letting the sun dry their skin, and talk about their future—about the life they would build together once they returned home.  Their last evening in Hawaii, as the sun began to dip down lower in the sky, painting the world in shades of pink and orange, they went back to their suite so they could rest up a little bit before dinner, after a day filled with adventure, Benji was exhausted and decided to take a nap.

{Dimitri's letter: inside the * symbols}

     Ruth, wasn't as tired as Benji, so after she had packed most of their things into their suitcase, she opted to sit out on the balcony to enjoy the cool breeze for a moment of quiet reflection.  She took out a folded piece of paper from her bag—the letter that Dimitri had given to her on her and Benji's wedding day.  She had read it several times since then, each time feeling a strange mix of emotions.  With a deep breath, she unfolded the letter and began to read it again: *Ruth, I wanted to write this out for you as an apology, and with a heart full of regret.  There are no words that I can find to truly express how sorry I am, but I intend to try, for my own conscience and for the freedom I owe you.  What I did was unforgivable, and I know that nothing I say could ever make up for what I put you through.  But still, I beg you to understand how deeply sorry I am.  You were never meant to be a part of the dark world you were dragged into, I shouldn't have bought you and I shouldn't have tried to pass you off as my fiance' at my party.  I was blinded by my own selfish desires, unable to see the person you truly are—a strong, brave woman with a spirit that could never be broken.  I see that now, and I am ashamed of what I have done.  Ruth, I want you to know that I have decided to give you back your freedom.  This letter is a legal document that was designed to truly give you freedom.  I will not try to find you ever again, nor will I interfere in your new life with your husband.  You deserve happiness, love, and peace—all things I could never give you, but I know that Benji can.  Please, find it in your heart to forgive me, if not for what I did, then at least for the man I wish I could have been.  Goodbye.  - Dimitri.*

     As she finished reading, Ruth's eyes lingered on the last words, feeling the heaviness of Dimitri's apology.  She had never expected to see or hear from him again, and his letter had hit her like a train, the first time she read it.  Even now, after all she had been through, she wasn't sure how to feel about his words.  She knew she had to forgive him, to release the burden of anger and pain that she had carried for so long, and because she was commanded in the Bible to forgive.  But another part of her still struggled with the memories of what he had done, the fear and helplessness she had felt throughout the whole experience, but especially when she was in his grasp.  As she sat there holding the letter, lost in thought, Benji stirred from his nap.  He blinked sleepily, he smiled as his gaze landed on Ruth sitting quietly on the balcony.  He got up and joined her, leaning against the doorframe as he watched her read.  "Ruth?" he asked softly, noticing the serious expression on her face.  "What are you reading?"  She looked up at him, her heart suddenly heavy.  "A letter," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.  "From Dimitri."  Benji's eyes darkened at the mention of Dimitri's name.  "Dimitri?" he repeated, his voice tense.  "When did you get that?"  "On the day of the wedding," Ruth admitted, folding the letter and placing it back in her bag.  "He gave it to me right before the ceremony."  Benji's expression shifted from confusion to concern.  "Wait... Dimitri was at the wedding?"  Ruth nodded slowly.  "Yes, he was there.  He came to see me in the dressing room before I walked down the aisle."  Benji's heart skipped a beat, a mixture of shock and anger bubbling up inside him.  "And you didn't tell me?" he asked, trying to keep his voice calm but failing to hide the hurt that laced his words.  "I didn't want to ruin our day," Ruth explained, her eyes filled with worry.  "I didn't want you to worry or get upset, so I decided to keep it to myself."  Benji ran a hand through his hair, pacing slightly as he tried to process what he was hearing.  "But, Ruth, this is important.  You should have told me.  I don't like the fact that he was alone with you, especially not on our wedding day.  He could've easily taken you again, I don't know what I'd have done if he had took you away from me again."

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