Chapter 25 I Am A Pirate

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~~The Enchanted Forest (Past)~~


I felt the warm breeze on my face. The sun shined through different parts of the trees; which were a very pretty green. Almost perfect. The tips of my fingers touched the tips of the tall grass. Flowers bloomed with many different colors. There were purple Azaleas, red and yellow Zinnias, but my favorite were the Alliums. Those were perfect, globe-shaped, dark purple flowers. Seeing them made me miss my garden in the castle. That's something I did growing up. I didn't have much freedom, but in the garden I could pretend I was in the most beautiful place in the world. I spent hours in the garden, tending to the flowers and making sure each one got enough water and sunlight. 

"Phoenix?" A voice called to me. I looked up and it was my father, but not just that, he looked like how he did before the darkness took over. Normal. No scales, no green skin, no wicked grin plastered on his face. 

"Father? Where are we?" I asked curiously. 

"We're in your dream. You said to find you when I want to talk. This seemed like a better way to do it." 

"Are you really here? Or am I just conjuring you up?" He slowly walked towards me. 

"I'm really here. A bit of magic is all it took." I rolled my eyes. 

"I created this? My mind did?" He nodded. "This is absolutely amazing."

"You can do this and so much more outside of your dream. There's so much possibility." I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Is this the only thing you wanted to talk about? My magic?" He shook his head. 

"I want to talk about you. Why you're helping Blackbeard. How you managed to get in bed with Hook." I wanted to get angry, but I couldn't. I felt at ease in this place. Maybe he's right. Maybe this was a good way to do it. 

"I'm a pirate, father. After I left mother, I was in a pub. I met Hook there. He saved my life and from then on I sailed away with him." I chuckled. "At first it was because I wanted to get away from my life. To find who I was. To find a place where I didn't have to be scared and trapped all the time." 

"What do you mean trapped? How were you trapped in the castle?" I scoffed. 

"She used me. She figured out how to control me. I didn't know I could do all this." I lifted my hands in the air and made the wind blow. The flowers and grass swayed in the breeze. More flowers bloomed around us. I couldn't help but smile, though it quickly went away after a few seconds. 

"She helped you control your powers. She showed you how to use them." I shook my head at him. 

"No, she showed me that if I tried to leave, I'd be punished and hurt. She showed me how much I'm scared of being alone in the dark. She did all of these horrible things that no mother should ever do to their daughter. Their daughter that they claim to love." Tears sprung my eyes. 

"She did those things to help you. You would have been out of control and it was only a matter of time before people realize and wanted you exiled. We didn't have a choice." I paused for a moment. Everything came to light in that instant. 

"You knew?" I asked angrily taking some steps closer to him. "You knew what she was doing to me?! You helped with it?!" 

"I didn't know the details of what she did but-" I cut him off by using my magic to silence him. 

"I can't believe this. She abused me for years and you did nothing to stop her! Do you not know the damage she did to me? How messed up I am now?" I held him in the air then pushed him back away from me. He landed on his back, but he stood back up. I noticed all the flowers around us starting to die and turn black. 

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