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My name is Phoenix. I'm known as The Girl with The Blue Eyes. I was born with great power inside me. Stronger than the Dark One and the Evil Queen. They are my parents, but they never told me how powerful I really was. They never let me reach my full potential. They kept saying "all magic comes with a price." And "all magic has it's limits." They were my parents, so growing up, I believed them. My father was rarely around. I never understood why. It was mainly my mother who raised me. She controlled me. Used me to get more power. To make more people suffer. I never wanted to do any of it, but if I disobeyed, she'd punish me. She had this cuff she'd put on me, which rendered my powers useless. Then she would lock me in a room with darkness. Barely any light. For hours on end. Or keep me locked in her dungeons, or just throw me against the walls to hurt me. She could heal me, so in her mind, it was okay. I learned quickly not to disobey after that. I also learned that I hate the dark.

They made me do their bidding and some of their dirty work. I killed many people. Innocent people. I didn't have a choice. It was kill or tortured. I couldn't begin to imagine what kind of punishment my mother would think of next. I didn't want to find out. I did what she said. Out of fear. My heart is turning black, and there's no way to stop it. That's what my mother wants. I don't know what my father wants. I never see him. My mother won't let me out of her sight. I can't even go on awalk alone. I'm a prisoner in my own castle. In my own life. I've given up hope that things will change. At least until the night I escaped.

The Girl With The Blue Eyes (Killian Jones) #1Where stories live. Discover now