Ch. 7- Ellen's Diner

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Dean walked out the lobby doors, finding Castiel leaned again the hood of his car, playing on his phone.

He actually looks kinda hot with that 5'o'clock shadow.

He smacked away his thoughts, shaking his head as he unlocked the doors. "Normally," he stated, making Castiel jump, "I wouldn't let people lean on the car. But you're a cool guy so-" he shrugged and laughed as he got in the driver's seat.

Castiel shook his head and fumbled to get in the car, clearly embarrassed. "So, this diner?" He said, trying to make conversation as they pulled out onto the street.

"Oh, it's amazing! The owner, she basically helped raise me." His face kind of fell, "See, my mom died when me and my brother were real little- she had diabetes and one day, she let her sugar get too low while she was cooking and died in a house fire. My dad was deemed unfit to raise us- I mean, he served in Iraq, had PTSD and other psychological problems. So, we were moved across town to our "Uncle" Bobby." Dean made air quotes with his fingers, "Well, he and Ellen started having a little fling about a year after, so I kinda grew up in that diner."

Castiel saw the sparkle in Dean's eyes as he talked about his childhood- a sparkle that shown his childish side, yet still held some pain. He pitied him a little.

"Sounds like a great place," Castiel said, looking back out the windshield.
Ten minutes later, they pulled up to a little corner diner, so simple you wouldn't notice it just driving by.

They entered and heard a shout from the back, "Dean!"

A shorter lady came out of the back, her chestnut hair thrown back in a messy bun, a gray t-shirt was tucked into her flour covered blue jeans. She threw an arm around his neck, "How're you doing?" She asked as if she knew a sad secret.

Dean hugged her back, "I'm fine, Ellen. Have you heard from her?" He asked, leaving Castiel confused.

Ellen pulled away and wiped her hands on her jeans, "Yeah, she called last night, said she had made it there. She's supposed to be job hunting today."

"Well," Dean said with a broken smile, "good luck to her, I hope she finds something that makes her happy."

Ellen nodded before taking notice in Castiel, "Well, who's this pretty boy?" she laughed.

"Oh," Dean cleared his throat, looking at Cas, "This is Castiel Novak, he's moving here from Cali and asked me to find him a house."

Ellen scoffed and smiled, "You?" She said jokingly. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Cas. What brings you here?"

"I was promised a good burger." Castiel joked, feeling awkward talking to a stranger.

Ellen and Dean laughed, "You were promised correctly. We have the best burgers on the east coast!" She laughed again and turned to go back into the kitchen, emerging seconds later with a notepad and pin. "What would you two like?"

"Two burgers, two orders of fries, and-" Dean turned to look at Castiel, "Dude, you have to try their milkshakes, too." He turned back to Ellen, "Two chocolate shakes, please m'amm."

Ellen scribbled onto her pad before motioning for them to find a seat anywhere they like, "It'll be about twenty minutes." She turned back to the kitchen.

Dean and walked them towards a booth and asked Castiel if it was a good place to sit. Castiel nodded and sat down across from Dean.

Dean situated himself before throwing an arm across the back of his seat and looking at Castiel, "So, what does bring you to North Carolina? I know you said a fresh start, but I've been there before, and I've seen plenty of 'fresh starts'," he leaned his arms on the table, "What's your story?"

Castiel sat back into the comfortable bench cushion, "Family issues. My mother didn't agree with the lifestyle my brother and I had chosen, so she disowned us both. He stayed closer to home, I decided I needed to get away." He looked down at his fingernails, praying Dean didn't want him to elaborate.

"Ah, I understand." Dean leaned back, putting his arm back in its original place, "So, I have a question."

Castiel peered up at him, waiting for him to continue.

"My brother and his...spouse are having a little meal tomorrow and it wouldn't pose an issue if they didn't live so far away. Can we maybe put this house search on hold for a day or two? My firm can pay for the additional hotel room payments." Dean offered quickly.

Castiel's eyes lit up, "No! This is great! I have to head back home for two days to see my brother and his husband!" Castiel said the last part too fast, hoping Dean didn't think differently of him for that small fact.

"Okay, that works!" Dean said.

Before anything else could be said, Ellen arrived with their plates and drinks, "Well, Mr. Castiel, I'm not leaving until I see the look of amazement on that pretty little face of yours." Ellen joked.

Castiel looked at his burger, his stomach grumbling at the sight. He took a bite, keeping his face void of emotion. "Dean. You lied."

Dean and Ellen's face both fell, "What-" Dean began.

"This is way better than you made it out to be!" Castiel laughed before taking another bite.

Ellen threw her hand up in victory, "Yes!" She walked away laughing.

They ate in silence, both too consumed by the wonderful food prepared for them.

An hour later, they stood at the cash register arguing over who was to pay.

"No! I offered lunch therefore, I pay!" Dean debated.

"Dean! You've shown around the town, I'll pay." Castiel countered.

"No, I-"

"Boys!" Ellen said, "How about both of you shut up and I'll pay."

"Ellen, you don't-"

"No, Ellen, really-"

"Both of you! Out!" Ellen pushed them out of her diner and locked the door before they could say anything else on the matter.

"Well," Castiel said, "she seems nice."

Dean laughed before walking back to his car. "Should we try to get some house touring in before we each depart for family?" He questioned when they were both situated in the vehicle.

"Yes," Castiel smiled as they drove towards the first venue.
They drove thirty minutes out of town, Castiel feeling tired after the big meal they had enjoyed at Ellen's.

"So, Dean," Castiel cleared his throat hesitantly, "Who's the 'she'?"

"What?" Dean looked at him questioningly.

"At Ellen's. You asked about a girl. I mean, I don't mean to pry, I'm just a very curious man. If you don't want to tell, that's fine, I mean-" Castiel stuttered out before being interrupted by Dean's laugh.

"Calm down, Cas." He laughed, "'She' is my ex-girlfriend," his voice fell, "uh- she broke up with me yesterday. I mean, it was more mutual, but ya know, it still kind of hurt." He shrugged, pretending not to care.

"Oh, I'm sorry to ask," Castiel shrunk in his seat. Well, now you know he's not gay.

"It's fine. I should've seen it coming. I mean, we'd been dating for seven years and it was a good relationship but it didn't hold the same spark over time. Then, she found out she couldn't have kids and that really killed her. So, I guess, it was all for the best in the end." He talked quicker than his mouth could handle, fumbling over words on many occasions.

"Dean. I'm so sorry." Castiel offered, placing his hand and Dean's shoulder.

Dean smiled over at him, "it's fine. I mean, more fish, right?" He shrugged again.

"Yeah," Castiel looked out the window. "More fish."

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