Ch. 15- A One Room Vacancy

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**i've come to the realization that I slip in and out of third person and third person omniscient, hope that doesn't bother you**

So, our new couple drove on. Eight hours later they were driving along the coast in bumper to bumper traffic.

"Ugh," Dean groaned, placing his head on the wheel. "This is why I chose to live in a small town!"

Castiel rubbed Dean's arm, "Hey. Relax. Look, we can stop at the beach at the next turn and blow off some steam, yeah?"

Dean looked up at Castiel's words, a smile on his face, "Yeah. In fact, why don't we just stay the night? I mean, we've still got at least another fifteen hour drive ahead of us and neither of us have showered in a day and a half, the backseat is very uncomfortable, and we can find some place to eat rather than fast food restaurants."

Castiel thought over Dean's words, "Sure. Why not?"

You know why not! He thought to himself. What happens if you do something stupid! You're technically this man's first boyfriend, don't screw it up. Castiel scolded himself for being so insecure.

"Uh, Cas. Babe. You okay?" Dean asked from the driver seat, waving a hand over Castiel's face. Cas jumped and shook his head before turning to look at the beautiful man driving his Prius.

"Right, yeah, sorry. What?"

Dean huffed a half hearted laugh, "Cas. I asked if you wanted to stay at one of these casino/hotel places or just a normal motel-hotel place?" Dean asked, looking kind of worried at his partner.

"Normal motel-hotel. Pascagoula isn't the best place for casino stays." Castiel looked around out he glass before him.

"How would you know that?" Dean said as traffic moved forward a little bit.

"Well, it's a perk of my job." Castiel smiled and shrugged.

"Okay. This is going to sound incredibly stupid- but I don't even know your profession. Or your birthday. Or anything big about you!" Dean practically exclaimed.

"Okay, okay!" Castiel over dramatically tried to calm him, "We can work on that." He stuck his hand out towards the older Winchester man, "Hello. My name is Castiel Dmitri Novak. I am 25 years old, I was born April 26, 1985. I previously worked as a college Professor at Stanford in California where I taught Criminal Psychology and Social Behaviors. I have a Doctorate in Psychology and a Masters in Criminology. I come from a very religious family and have a weird obsession with Dr. Who and FallOutBoy. Last, but not least," he looked around before leaning in and whispering, "I'm gay."

Dean laughed and shook Castiel's hand with his own, "Nice to meet you Castiel. My name is Dean Winchester, I am 28 years old. I was born January 24, 1982. I worked as a mechanic from the age of 13 until I started college to become a real estate agent. My mom died when I was four, my dad served in Iraq and suffered from PTSD so I was raised by Bobby Singer and Ellen Harvelle. My music type is mainly classic rock and you're the first person I've ever kissed who has a penis."

Castiel smiled a wide, toothy grin, "It's nice to meet you Dean Winchester."

They spent the rest of their time in traffic talking and sharing anything and everything they thought necessary. Eventually, Dean found a quaint little, three floor hotel and parked before turning to Castiel.

"Okay, you stay here. I know, I said I don't care what people think, but we kind of need a place to stay and they might turn is out if they know we're gay and together." Dean smiled and kissed Castiel before climbing out of the car before he could get a word in.

Castiel set back and watched Dean walk, totally not checking out his butt. But it is quite nice, Castiel. Imagine all the things we could do to that tight, round arse. Remember what Sam said, he is a virgin, after all. Castiel quickly pushed his thoughts away before his dick could get the idea, but not before a blush came creeping up his neck.

A few minutes later, Dean emerged with a key and chain in his hands, a smirk across his face. He quickly set back in the face before driving to the front of the building where a valet and bell hop await them.

"Okay, so good news: they had one last vacancy and the man seriously laughed when I said it'd be just you and me. Bad news: there's only one bed." Dean turned to the man beside him. "But, I told them you're my cousin from Russia who's wanting to experience new things in America."

Castiel nodded, "I can do that. But why Russia? And only one bed? Is there like a cot or something?"

"Number one: because the concierge was clearly Scottish and you're name is Dmitri for Christ's sake. Number two: we've shared a bed twice now. Why's it such a big deal?"

"Number one: what the hell does Scottish have to do with me being Russian?" He laughed a bit. "And two: it's not. I just don't want to raise any red flag's, you know?"

"Okay, please stop with the counting. You're breaking my mind." Dean said before getting out and handing the valet his keys. The bell hop joins Dean in grabbing their bags from the trunk of the vehicle while Castiel gave an earful to the valet, explaining what would happen if he so much as damaged "his baby".

Dean suppressed a laugh as he grabbed Cas' arm and drug him into the lobby, Castiel still ranting all the way. They took the elevator to the top floor, the bellhop leading them in their direction.

He stopped at the door, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience of the theme, but this is the only room left due to the busy season." His voice carried a hint of a Mexican lilt.

Castiel cocked his head to the side while Dean questioned him, "What do you mean theme?"

The bell hop simply dropped his head a little, "They didn't tell you?"

Castiel and Dean shared a look before looking back to the man before them, "No?" Castiel said in a Russian accent, taking Dean by surprise.

"Oh. Well, like I said. All of our rooms have been occupied due to the busy season. Halloween is when we get a lot of people around for the casino's." He turned to the door, "Welcome, to the HoneyMoon Suite."

Okay, so this was a must because I have no control.

Later, Haters.

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