Ch. 19- Not the Marrying Type

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**guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while...I've had a lot going on and plus school started back so please just bare with me guys**

**by the way, there's probably going to be a lot of time hops because the book is almost over....sowwy**

November 30, 2010

Dear diary,

I'm writing to inform that Thanksgiving was a success, thanks to my amazing cooking skills! Gabriel and Sam flew in four days ago despite the metaphorical "hanging sword" of their impending shared-fatherhood.

We, of course, held the dinner at my apartment, seeing as I haven't found a place yet, but all went smoothly since there were only five members to partake in the meal.

The fifth member? None other than Mr. John Winchester himself. It was amazing getting to meet Sam and Dean's father, even if he did almost flip the table when he had a schizophrenic break. (According to Dean, the list of diagnosis the man has would be longer than the list of reasons he hates vegetables.)

None the less, we had an amazing meal- although, the amount of leftovers was surprising, seeing as everyone said they enjoyed the meal. John wasn't able to stay long, since Dean was only able to sign him out for three hours. After he left with Dean, Sam helped me clear the food away while Gabriel took the time to hook up a Wii system they had brought from California.

Four hours later, Dean, Sam, Gabe, and I were rudely interrupted by my neighbors for "being too loud on Guitar Hero//It would be different if we could actually sing."

It's funny, actually. The entire time they've been here, neither Sam nor Gabriel have asked about the ring on my hand.

Hm, maybe another time.

"Do you really have to go?" Dean asked sadly as he hugged his taller, younger brother.

"Yes, Dean." Sam laughed, "Hannah called and said she's already retained enough water to bathe an elephant." His face split into a wide grin as he wrapped an arm around his husband's waist, "Not that much longer now and Gabriel and I will be dads'."

Dean smiled as he stood behind Castiel, wrapping his arms around the shorter man's waist. "I'm proud for you two, Sammy. You'll make great dads'."

Castiel nodded as he leaned back into Dean's embrace, placing his hands (right over left) over Dean's own. He was amazed at all the big changes in their lives- they were having a baby and even thinking about moving closer to them. Although, the one's in his and Dean's were even more surprising.

"Oh, that remind's me!" Sam said as he put the last of their bag's in the rental car. "Would you two mind flying out a week before the delivery date? We kind of promised Hannah that we'd help her out and we need someone to kind of house sit for us in case she goes into early labor."

Castiel nodded as Dean spoke, "We'd be happy to."

Sam and Gabriel gave their last hugs before getting into the car to drive to the airport- but not before Gabriel had a last word.

"OH! AND CONGRATS ON THE ENGAGEMENT!" He screamed as Sam sped down the road.

Dean turned to Castiel, his face flushed. "Did you tell him it was an engagement ring?"

"No! Did you!?" Castiel answered in the same shrieking tone.

"No! I thought we agreed on a promise ring!"

"We did, Dean! I thought you had told Sam about it! They didn't ask, so I didn't tell! I figured at least one of them knew!"

Dean groaned before walking back into Castiel's apartment building, Cas close on his heels. "Well, this is fantastic."

"It's fine, Dean. We'll just explain it when we go over there in two weeks, okay?" Castiel said as they stopped outside his door.

"Okay, you're right." Dean sighed, taking Cas' ring-baring hand in his own, "I'm sorry for over reacting." He placed a kiss on the silver ring on Cas' hand.

Cas smiled before caressing Dean's cheek with his palm, "It's fine, babe. I understand why you did. I would have to, had the shoes been swapped." He turned to his door and unlocked it to step inside, leaving a thoughtful Dean stood in the hallway.

"So what would you have done if I had proposed?" Dean asked, hurt lacing his voice as he stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

Castiel shed his coat before walking to the kitchen, "I'm not sure, Dean. I mean, we've only know each other for three months and I'm already wearing a promise ring. Isn't that a little fast to you, anyways?"

Dean leaned against the entryway to the kitchen, "So, what? You don't think we should be this committed at three months?"

"That's not what I'm saying, baby! I'm just saying, most couples our age aren't this serious until a year, let alone three months." He walked over and placed his hands on Dean's shoulder's, "I'm just saying, I'm not sure how I would have reacted had you proposed seriously that night. That's all." He looked up at Dean through his eyelashes. "Okay?"

"Okay." Dean mumbled before placing his lips in his raven hair. Truth was, he wasn't okay. He had the ring already picked out and the date set. Did Castiel truly not want to marry him?

"Dean! Come on or we're gonna miss our damn flight!" Castiel yelled as he made sure he had the remaining essentials for their trip.

"Cas, our plane doesn't leave for four bucking hours. I'm pretty sure a five minute piss isn't going to fuck up your schedule." Dean shouted from the bathroom, the sounds of water running and the toilet flushing accompanying his gravelly tone.

"I don't give a damn, Dean. We're already behind as it is and we can't miss our flight or Sam is gonna have both of our asses on a silver platter."

"Kinky, but no. Sam already knows what time our plane lands, alright?" He pecked Castiel's forehead as he walked by, rushing to the kitchen before shouting, "Have you seen my anxiety medicine?"

"It's already packed in my carry on, Dean!" Castiel groaned as he prepared to take their bags to the ground floor.

"It was just a question, babe." Dean mumbled as he walked into the room, checking his pockets for his keys and their tickets.

Dean wasn't sure what had Castiel so on edge lately, but whatever it was- he didn't like it. Maybe he would calm down this coming up week- the baby would come, they would hopefully have sex finally, and all would be right with the world. Maybe once they returned Dean could finally ask the question he'd wanted to for two weeks.

Isn't it quite fast? You may ask. And Dean would agree- but he also had a reason behind his proposal.


"Dean, I'm just saying- you may want to see where he's at before you pop the question. I mean, his last fiancé cheated on him with a girl, and given your....history and orientation, he may not be as willing, ya know?" Sam whispered next to him as they sat at the bar near Dean's house.

"I know, Sammy-"


"Fuck off. I'm just- I'm ready. I was with Jo for almost eight years and we never did shit." Dean sighed, "Don't tell anyone this but-" he looked around at the empty bar "we never even had sex. Eight years and the only thing we did was a bit of hand stuff and kiss. That's it. But with Cas," Dean breathed a laugh as a smile split across his lips, "with Cas I'm- I'm invincible. I can do anything and he'll be there. It's- You'll understand when you find that someone, Sam." He clapped a hand on Sam's broad back.

"I'm married and expecting you asshole. You were the best man at my wedding."

"Psht," Dean scoffed, "minor details."

*end flashback*

Dean was positive Castiel was the one for him. He just needed a way to prove it...

But how?

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