Ch. 14- McDonald's Is Not For Profound Speeches Of Love

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As they drove away from Las Angeles, leaving Charlie and her evil notepad behind them, they continued with their singing and dancing.

Eighteen hours after they had left the Novak-Winchester residence, Dean began his turn at driving. They had stopped at a quaint little gas station in Phoenix, Arizona to swap places, Castiel complaining of his butt hurting him the entire time.

So, again, they were off. Dean had slept part of the way so he was planets rested to drive through the night, Castiel getting his fair share of sleep himself.

They had just left Texas when Castiel awoke, uncurling from his stuffed animal in the back seat.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Dean said into the rear view mirror, peeking at Castiel's stretching figure.

"The back seat of a car is the worst place to sleep." He grumbled as he rubbed his face. "How long was I out?"

"Well, about ten hours?" Dean said as he found a parking lot to pull into. He turned in his seat so he was facing Castiel, who of which was currently sprawled about in the small backseat. "I figured we could stop somewhere and grab a bite to eat."

Castiel exhaled deeply as he brought his hands up again to stretch, "That sounds nice. I'll find us a place on Maps."

So, they set about looking for a spot to eat. Which, soon turned into a competition of who could find the better place the fastest.

"Okay, this is impossible. It's nearly five AM, the only place open now is a McDonald's." Castiel grimaced from behind his screen.

Dean sighed in defeat, "you're right. Wanna just do a quickie there and head out?"

Castiel, who was slightly bothered by Dean's phrase of words, pushed away his thoughts and nodded. He quickly climbed into the passenger seat as Dean drove to find a McDonald's within the area. They soon found one, thirty minutes later, and parked the car before walking indoors.

"Hello, how can I 'elp you today, baby?" an older black lady greeted them at the front, her voice thickly laced with a Louisiana accent.

"Hi, we'll have two pancake meals and two coffee's, please m'amm?" Dean said in the nicest voice he could muster at five in the morning.

"Comin' right up, suga'," the lady smiled as she took their order. "That'll be $10.89."

Dean quickly paid, after some argument with Castiel, and they both walked to a booth as they waited for their breakfast.

"I really hate when you do that." Castiel grumbled, sitting across from Dean.

"Awe, come on. I'm trying to be nice." Dean smiled.

"I just feel useless, like you have to take care of me." Castiel sighed after he said this.

"I don't have to," Dean said as he leaned onto the table, "I want to Castiel." He smiled and took Cas' hand in his.

Castiel's face reddened as he quickly looked around the establishment, "Dean. Someone could see us."

Dean looked hurt. "Let them see! This is 2010! If I want to show my affection for another penis-baring human being, so be it!"

Castiel gripped Dean's hand and let out a small smile, "Dean. I'm not worth it. I'm not worth any of what could happen to you if someone saw us. I like you, I really do. But not worth all of that."

Dean's face grew slightly angry, "Castiel Novak, I have only known you for a month. And in that month, I have come to know one of the kindest, most generous people. You're worth so much more than any of it all. If someone see's and is against it, let them be! Because Castiel Novak, you have come to be one of the only people I have cared this much for. I would go through Hell for you, if it just meant that you could be happy." He quickly stood and and drug Castiel up with him and spoke louder. "Castiel Novak, in one month you have stollen my heart and I wouldn't want it any other way." He took Castiel's face in his hands, and Castiel only stood wide eyed, with his mouth agape as his pulse rose higher and higher. "Castiel Novak, I think I love you." He pressed his lips to Castiel's in a slow but passionate, desperate kiss. Of course, Castiel kissed back after the shock of it all passed over, and his hands were placed firmly on Dean's hip bones.

Castiel didn't know how long the kiss lasted, nor did Dean care. Because for those few, sweet moments, they were infinite. They were whole. They were together.

Dean was the first to break the kiss, deciding he needed air before the need for paramedics had risen. Castiel let out a small whimper when he pulled away, not wanting the moment to pass. They stood there, forehead to forehead, hands still in their place, and just breathed in each other.

"Dean," Castiel breathed after a moment, "I think I-"

They were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. "'Scuse me, suga'. But ya' food is ready."

They broke apart to see the black lady, who they found was named Charlotte, standing at the counter with their order on the counter beside her.

Castiel coughed, embarrassed at her emotionless face, while Dean walked forward with a cocky swagger. He grabbed the food, offered a small smile, and turned away to walk back to Castiel.

"Dean. That woman has been staring us down for twenty minutes now." Castiel said as he finished off his second cup of coffee.

Dean grunted before looking up at Charlotte, "Let her." He turned back to his pancakes.

"Dean." Castiel said in a steady tone.


"I-I don't think we're welcome here." Castiel stuttered, looking deeply depressed for such a small matter.

"Castiel? I told you, I don't care what anyone else thinks. I only care about you." Dean said as he put another bit of food into his mouth.

Castiel smiled before taking a napkin and cleaning syrup off Dean's chin.

"Ready to go?" The sun had finished rising as they downed their third cup of coffee each. Dean stood and cleared their table, Castiel taking it in his own hands to wipe it down.

They had almost made it out the door when Charlotte called out to them. "Wait!"

Dean huffed before turning to face her direction, his mouth set in a half sneer. Castiel remained stoic towards her, although he raised an expectant eyebrow.

"I-I didn't mean to make y'all feel uncomf'table. My daughter, she's jus' like you two. Got herself a lil' beauty to show off- but she don't. Too scared of what every one's gotta say 'bout her. But you two- you two jus' waltzed in here and kissed right there. I ain't neva seen anythin' like it." She carried on.

Dean's face softened, "M'amm. I'm sorry. My boyfriend and I are new at this so when we saw you staring, we became alarmed."

Charlotte simply nodded, "I unda'stand. I just thought I'd say sorry and I'm very proud of you two." She smiled before turning away to the kitchen.

Dean simply turned and walked out, leaving Castiel to catch up.

"Um, boyfriend?" Castiel said once he was behind the wheel of his car and pulling onto the interstate.

"Well, yeah? I mean, if you want to, that is- I mean. I-I-" Dean stammered on, a pink blush creeping up his neck.

"Dean" Castiel laughed, "It's fine." He took Dean's hand in one of his own, "I would love to be your boyfriend."

Dean smiled as they drove towards Mississippi, hand in hand with his boyfriend.
Hi, guys! So there's some Destiel for you. Btw, Charlotte is based off this woman I met on the beach today. I'm in Biloxi, Mississippi, USA for my vacation.

Question: where are you guys from?

Answer: I'm from North-East MS

I'll try to update soon!

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