🔞 Sodo x Rain - Suck off

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Dom: Rain
Sub: Sodo

This is kinda stupid, but I found the idea so damn funny lmao


The moment Rain stepped into his room, he froze. He stayed in the doorframe, his eyes wide in confusion and something like shock. There were two things going on in his mind; for one, he just got reminded how feral and maybe even weird Sodo could be, and second, how little Rain knew about the fire ghoul. It was no secret that ghouls sometimes behaved like cats. Their purring, sometimes maybe even grooming, they could simply be very cat-like. But Sodo, he was something else, and Rain felt like he got reminded of that every single day, and today, on a whole different level.

In his room sat Sodo, sitting in front of the water ghouls bed and literally sucking on one of Rain's shoes. Why? Who knows, probably not even Sodo. "What. The actual. Fuck" he muttered, his arms falling to his sides as he just stared at the smaller ghoul, who grinned and continued to lick and suck at his shoe. Rain groaned, half from pure annoyance and half from... arousal? He didn't quite want to admit it, but yes, the sight of Sodo licking and sucking, his saliva connecting his tongue to his shoe... it was disgustingly hot.

He walked into his room and slammed the door shot behind him. "Could you please stop that, for fucks sake?" he muttered, his tone stern. Whatever that small string of arousal was, he tried to ignore it. He didn't really wanted Sodo to ruin his shoes at the moment. "What if I don't want to?" Sodo replied with a smirk, before running his tongue over the shoe again, teasingly slowly at that. Rain rolled his eyes, only getting more annoyed. "You're not a cat, dammit, stop licking at my shoe!" he said, his voice only growing louder. He was close to snap now.

"Satanas... such a spoilsport..." Sodo mumbled with a slight pout. He looked at Rain for a moment, taking in his tense and annoyed demeanor. He wondered just how far he could push it, so he slowly lifted the shoe again and started to suck, making sure to keep up the eye contact. "Really? Are you fucking for real!? Stop ruining my shoe, or I'll give you something else to suck on!" the water ghoul practically yelled as he walked closer to Sodo. "Something better" he then added, a slight smirk forming on his lips as he saw how Sodo froze for a moment and glanced up to the water ghoul.

"Yeah? You like that?" Rain continued, his smirk only widening. He didn't act like this very often, never, actually. But right now he was pissed, and he had to let it out somehow. He leaned down slightly and grabbed a fistful of Sodo's hair, janking him up so he was sat on his knees, face in front of Rain's crotch. "If you like sucking that much, how about you suck me off?" Even though he let it sound like a question, it wasn't one. Rain knew what he wanted, and he would get it. No matter if Sodo wanted or not. The fire ghoul swallowed thickly and glanced up to Rain. He knew he had fucked up.

Rain scoffed and pushed his head forward, his nose pressing against the water ghoul's already half-hard dick. He smirked "Yeah, you fucked it up Sodo" he muttered and moved his head away again, just so he could open his pants with his free one. He let his jeans fall to his ankles, his boxers falling shortly after. "Come on, get to work" he hissed, janking Sodo's head slightly forward by his hair, what caused the smaller one to yelp a little. Sodo held onto the water ghoul's thighs for support and licked his lips as he braced himself for this.

Dew glanced up to meet Rain's eyes for a moment, only to see just how pissed and annoyed he was. The fire ghoul sighed and muttered a soft "Fuck" under his breath before he slowly took Rain into his mouth, bit by bit. Rain hissed, the sound one of pure bliss this time. He kept his look down to the fire ghoul as he slowly began to bop his head back and forth. Rain bit his lip to hold back any noises; he didn't want to give Dew that victory. Sodo continued to suck on Rain's dick, his eyes closed as he tried to take all of him without gagging too much.

After a bit he stopped sucking, giving himself a small break. Rain wanted to protest, but he quickly shut up as Sodo started to lick up and down his cock instead, making sure to glance up to him with big, almost innocent eyes. The water ghoul couldn't hold back and let out a deep groan, his head falling back while Sodo continued to lick, until he switched to sucking again. He felt a little more confident, knowing that what he did was at least good. He bopped his head at a faster pace now, occasionally using his tongue or even his teeth. Rain was damn close, every little movement driving him just a little more insane.

With one especially loud moan, he pushed Sodo's head even further forward, his dick hitting the back of the smaller's throat as he came. Hard. Sodo had a hard time surpressing his gagging reflex, and there were some tears brimming in his eyes. He shut his eyes thightly, trying to swallow all of the water ghoul's cum, but he couldn't help the few drops that fell onto the floor. With a wet "bop" he eventually pulled away, sinking back onto his knees, panting heavily.

"H- happy now?" he asked and glanced up to Rain, who was slowly coming down from his high, and pulling his pants back up. "Mhm... good boy" he replied, and Dew was a little taken aback by that, blushing ever so slightly what caused Rain to chuckle. "You have a little something there" Rain then said and wiped the corner of his own mouth. Sodo did the same motion at his own mouth, wiping the cum away that had dared to drop onto the floor as well.

"You dick" he mumbled, but Rain just extended a hand with a soft laugh, which Sodo hesintantely took. Rain sighed and crossed his arms as he looked down to Sodo with a small frown. "Please never suck on my shoes again. You're not a damn cat" he muttered, and Dew only rolled his eyes. Though he surely learned his lesson from that...


(1098 words)

(requested by @marijuana_smoker0, this is so funny haha, thanks for the request!)

I hope I managed to write what was asked haha, the idea was so stupid but also so funny😭. Thanks for sticking around, even though the oneshots are coming in bigger gasps atm. I can't write while my family is around since they'll ask to read it and THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL that I'll show them LMAO 💀

- Luma

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