Chapter Four

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(AN: Sukuna is 16, and you're 15.)

Sukuna has been busy lately. He's been staying out late, doing whatever he does. One thing that caught my attention was the markings all over his body. When I first met him, the markings began on his forehead. Now, his face and arms are completely covered in black markings. Now, we're at my house. I've been asking him questions, but he always changes the topic.

"What aren't you telling me? I can tell there's more you're keeping from me," my voice cracked. "Y/N," he said, reaching out to me, but I smacked his hand away. "Please, don't."

"Y/N, please just listen—"

"No, I won't listen! I want the truth!" I cut him off.

"You want to know? Fine! I don't just kill curses, I also kill jujutsu sorcerers!"

I took a step back, shaking my head in disbelief. "I... I need you to leave. I need space to think. I need to be alone right now."

"Y/N," he whispered.

"Please," I pleaded, tears rolling down my cheek.

Sukuna stood silent, walking past me, his shoulder brushing against mine.

● ● ●


It's been weeks since we last talked or even saw each other. I haven't visited the field in a while. The right thing to do is to not even think about him. Right now, I'm babysitting Yuko's cousins.

"Kiyoko, stop running with scissors!" I yelled, chasing her around the living room. Hana, her younger sister, joined in, giggling as she tried to catch Kiyoko too. Meanwhile, Kenji, their mischievous brother, watched from the sidelines. "Y/N, you're so boring. No wonder you're single," Kenji said, yawning. "Shut up!" I retorted, feeling my cheeks flush red.

After getting Kiyoko to put down the scissors, I turned my attention to Hana and Kenji, who were now engaged in a game of tag.


"Okay, you two, let's settle down before someone gets hurt," I urged. "How about we all go for some ice cream and then head to the park?"

"Sure!" said Hana and Kiyoko simultaneously. Kenji, on the other hand, didn't care. I took the three to go get ice cream, and then we headed to the nearby park. As we reached the park, they ran off to the playground.

After an hour at the park, it started getting late. "Alright, let's head back before Yuko returns," I called out.

As we began walking back home, my eyes caught sight of a familiar figure across the street. It was Sukuna and he was talking with another girl. A strange feeling is building up in my chest, and I don't like it.

Is it anger? Sadness? Jealousy? No, it's none of my business. Move on, Y/N.

I felt a tug on my shirt. "You okay?" Hana asked. I forced a weak smile, blinking back tears. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... thinking, that's all."

When we reached my house, Yuko was standing outside, waiting for us. "Sorry for dragging, Y/N. They kept me late again. Were they any trouble?" Now, I would tell the truth, but for the sake of the kids, I should just lie. "They were lovely," I replied, forcing a smile.

● ● ●

I stepped out of the shower, feeling chills all over my body. I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped out of the bathroom. As I entered my room, my eyes widened in disbelief. Sukuna was in my room, leaning against the wall.

"Sukuna, what are you doing here?" I asked, my grip tightening on the towel. "Her name is Uraume," Sukuna said, walking towards me. "What?" I asked, taking a step back. "The girl I was with," he clarified. My back hit the wall, and Sukuna approached closer. My breath caught in my throat as he reached out. "She serves under me, nothing more," he reassured, his hand gently cupping my cheek, his touch sending shivers down my spine.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked. "So you know, I haven't chosen any other woman, nor have I thought of anyone but you," he said.

With each word, my heart raced.

He leaned in, his lips brushing over mine. "I love you," he whispered, before pressing his lips against mine in a gentle yet passionate kiss.

 "I love you," he whispered, before pressing his lips against mine in a gentle yet passionate kiss

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