Chapter One

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(AN: Sukuna is 7, and you're 6.)


After school, I always walk by this beautiful field that's full of flowers. By the field, there is a small river stream near a forest, but I never go there because it's very dangerous. Why? It's because the forest is full of curses.

When school ended, I started walking the same path I do every day to the field. When I arrived, I spotted a boy going into the forest.

Why is he going in there? Is he trying to get himself killed?

I looked around to see if anyone was around.

It's none of my business.

I started walking towards the river stream.

I mean... someone has to check how he's doing.

I paused in front of the forest, feeling hesitant.

I'm going to regret this.

I stepped into the forest, shivers crawling over my skin. As I walked further into the forest, I searched for the boy. Suddenly, a noise startled me from behind, causing me to freeze.

I should've stayed outside the forest. I do regret this!

I slowly turned my head and saw a long-haired figure with numerous eyes and razor-sharp teeth.

A curse!

The curse raised its arm and swung at me, but before it could make contact, its arm was cut in half.

I glanced toward the direction of the attack and saw it was the same boy as before. He swiftly delivered another slash, severing the head of the curse.

I stared at the boy in amazement. "Woah," I muttered. "Thank you for saving me—"

"You need to leave," he interrupted, "you're in the way."

"Sorry," I apologize.

I looked at him and observed him. He had pink spiked hair that was slightly pushed upfront, a black marking on his forehead, and piercing crimson eyes.

He walked past me, his shoulder brushing against mine.

"W-Wait!" I called out, following him. "What's—"

"Leave me alone," he interrupted again, but I ignored him and followed him.

He paused, glaring at me intensely, and asked, "What do you want?"

"What's your name?" I asked with a smile.

"If I tell you it, will you leave me alone?" I nodded.

"Ryomen Sukuna," he said, then walked away.

My heart skipped a beat, feeling a fluttering feeling in my chest. At that moment, I found myself captivated by him.

● ● ●


I spotted my friend, Yuko, waiting for me in our usual spot by the school gate. "Yuko!"

"Hey, Y/N! Do you have any plans today?" Yuko exclaimed, her eyes gleaming. I didn't really have any plans, although I was planning on going back to the field to see if Sukuna was there.

I shrugged, a small smile tugging at my lips. "Not really. We can go hang out at the park."

"Sounds perfect!" Yuko exclaimed.

The park was just a short walk. We started chatting and laughing like we always do.

● ● ●

I walked the path to the field.

My gaze wandered around the field, and my heart skipped a beat when I spotted him. I felt my cheeks flush.

He was sitting, doing absolutely nothing. I was tempted to approach and talk to him, but something within me held back. Perhaps it's because he asked me to leave him alone yesterday.

Screw it!

"Hello again," I said as I approached him. When he saw me, he sighed. "You again. What do you want?" he asked, his voice filled with annoyance.

"I want to be friends," I said. He let out a laugh. "You're not scared of me?" he asked. "No," I replied, smiling. "Should I be?"

After that day, we grew closer.

Well... somewhat.

● ● ●


As we sat in class, my gaze drifted off to Sukuna. He'd run a hand through his hair, and my heart would skip a beat. I could've sworn I was drooling. I found myself drawn to him like a moth to a flame. It was as if time itself had slowed down, and in that moment, all I could think about was him—

"You look like a creep." I blinked, snapping back to reality. "What? Me? A creep? No way," I quickly responded, avoiding eye contact with Sukuna. Yuko gave me a blank stare. "What—"

The door swung open, and our sensei, Tengen, walked in. "Alright, class! Listen up! There is an upcoming mission, and I need two people, so I chose Sukuna as one of them, but I haven't chosen the other one. Who would like to work on this mission with Sukuna?"

Yuko nudged my shoulder. "Raise your hand," she whispered. "Can I work on the mission with Sukuna?" I said, raising my hand.

"Sure—" Sensei Tengen began, but Yorozu interjected.

"Sensei Tengen, with all due respect, Y/N is just a human. What can she possibly do in the mission? Plus, she tends to be clumsy when paired with Sukuna. It always leads to complications. May I be the one working on the mission with Sukuna?" Yorozu shot me a disdainful glance.

Sensei Tengen paused, considering Yorozu's point. "Well, Yorozu, you do have a valid reason. Very well, you will be partnered with Sukuna for the mission."

My heart sank at the decision.

My heart sank at the decision

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