Chapter Seventeen

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I clenched my fists as another wave of pain rippled through my body. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I tried to focus on my breathing.

Sukuna stood by my side, holding my hand. I squeezed his hand tightly.

"Congratulations on your baby boy, Y/N!" Tears welled up in my eyes as I held our newborn in my arms.

Sukuna leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead before gazing down at our baby.

"Haruto," I whispered.

● ● ●

I gently cradle Haruto in my arms, his tiny fingers curled around mine. I press a soft kiss to his forehead. Sukuna watches us from the doorway, a smile on his lips. "Do you want to hold him?" Sukuna steps closer. He carefully takes Haruto into his arms, his movements gentle. I let out a small chuckle at the sight of Sukuna's nervousness.

 I let out a small chuckle at the sight of Sukuna's nervousness

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Haruto looks just like his father. He has pink hair and Sukuna black marking on his forehead, just like when I first met Sukuna, and his crimson eyes.

As night falls, I lay Haruto down in his crib, tucking him in, ensuring he's comfortable. With a gentle smile, I turn to Sukuna, reaching out to take his hand. Our fingers intertwine. We make our way to our own beds. We slip under the covers. Sukuna wraps his arms around me, pulling me close.

● ● ●

As I stood on the balcony, the gentle breeze tousled my hair, and I gazed out at the village. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the village.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear the soft footsteps approaching behind me until a familiar voice called out, "My queen, Himari is here" I turned to see Rei, standing there with a bright smile on her face. "Rei, how are you feeling?"

"Thanks to Master Sukuna's reverse curse technique, he saved my life." Relief washed over me. "I'm glad you're okay!"

Making my way through the halls to the living room, I found Himari waiting, but she wasn't alone. Yuko was standing beside her. "Yuko? You're here too!"

"Of course, I'm here. I'm sorry I couldn't be there, Y/N. Things got really hectic, and I didn't have a chance to visit. Then, I heard the news about your pregnancy and rushed to get here, but I encountered some unexpected trouble along the way. By the time I arrived, Himari informed me that you had already given birth. Congratulations, Y/N!"

"Thank you, Yuko!"

"So, where is the little one?" Himari asked eagerly.

Yuko and Himari followed me into the room. As we entered, we made our way to the crib, where we found Haruto peacefully asleep. Himari's gaze softened as it settled on Haruto, a smile spreading across her face. "Y/N, he's absolutely adorable," she exclaimed.

Haruto stirred in his sleep, his tiny hands stretching out as he let out a soft yawn. Yuko chuckled softly, reaching out to gently stroke his cheek. "Looks like someone's waking up," she remarked with a grin. Himari's eyes widened as she leaned in closer to the crib, watching Haruto's sleep. "Oh, he's just precious," she whispered, her voice filled with awe.

Haruto's eyes fluttered open, revealing his crimson eyes. He blinked a few times, adjusting to the light, before fixing his gaze on the three of us gathered around him.

"Also, I didn't come empty-handed, so I brought you some gifts," Yuko said as Rei walked in, placing bags on the floor. My jaw dropped at the sight. "Yuko, you really didn't have to," I said, feeling myself tear up. "Oh, come on, don't get all emotional on me now," Yuko teased. "I couldn't resist spoiling you a little."

"Thank you, Yuko," I said, my voice filled with genuine gratitude. "This means a lot to me." I hugged Yuko tightly.

We all settled into the room and chatted as I took care of Haruto.

"So, are you planning on having any more kids?" Himari asked. Yuko shot her a glare, smacking her arm gently. "What? I'm curious," Himari mumbled.

"Um, well, I've been considering about having another kid," I admitted, feeling my cheeks warm with a blush.

"Wait, really?" A smile beamed on Himari's face. "Oh, I mean, that's great, Y/N!" Yuko shot another glare at Himari. "You're quite the cheeky one, aren't you?" Himari shrugged. "What can I say? I got it from my grandma." I chuckled at the two while they continued their argument.

" I chuckled at the two while they continued their argument

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