Chapter Two

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(AN: Sukuna is 10, and you're 9.)

I can't find the gift anywhere. I've searched everywhere, and now I'm checking under my desk. "Y/N, Sukuna is here," Yuko whispered.

Startled, I shot up, smacking my head on the desk. "Ow!" I cried, rubbing my sore head. "You idiot," Yuko whispered. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, though my head was still throbbing with pain. "But seriously, have you seen the gift?" A smirk grew on Yuko's lips. "Who is the gift for?" Before I could respond, a voice from behind startled us both. "Looking for this?" Sukuna stood there, holding out the missing gift.


My heart skipped a beat as I took it from him, feeling my cheeks flush red. "Thanks," I muttered, trying to play it cool despite the fluttering in my chest.

"Are you ready for the mission?" Sukuna said. "Huh? Oh! Yes!" I said.

Shit! I completely forgot about the mission!

● ● ●

My heart raced as I followed Sukuna into the depths of the forest. The mission was to retrieve a cursed object, but it was guarded by cursed spirits. As we went deeper, the air grew thicker with tension, and I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine.

Suddenly, the cursed spirits jumped out from the shadows. We were both surrounded, my heart pounding in my chest as fear overwhelmed me.

Sukuna's movements were a blur as he slashed the cursed spirits with ease. I watched in awe as he fought. His power was both terrifying and mesmerizing. I was caught off guard, and I didn't notice a cursed spirit sneaking up behind me.

Before I could react, the cursed spirit grabbed me, its grip tight around my throat. Panic surged through me as I struggled against its hold, my vision blurring as darkness consumed me.

Sukuna ran towards me, effortlessly slashing the cursed spirit's head off. As the grip around my throat loosened, Sukuna caught me in his arms, pulling me close against his chest. My head spun as I struggled to catch my breath.

When our eyes locked, it sent a flutter through my heart. "Are you hurt?" he asked, his voice surprisingly gentle as he examined my injuries. I shook my head, unable to tear my gaze away from him. "Thank you," I whispered.

He set me down, his eyes glaring at the scar on my neck. Sukuna's fingertips traced along the scar, a shiver ran down my spine. I could feel energy emitted from his hand. He was using the reverse cursed technique to heal the scar.

When he finished, his eyes shifted to my lips. Our faces were inches apart, and I could feel the warmth of his breath against mine. Sukuna leaned in, closing the gap between us. His lips brushed over mine. But just as our lips were about to touch, a loud noise made us pull away from each other.

"We should go," he said, walking away. I stood there for a moment, trying to process what had just happened. We almost kissed. Sukuna and I almost kissed!

● ● ●

"You almost did what?!" Yuko exclaimed, her jaw nearly touching the floor. "It's not a big deal," I said, trying to ignore the thumping sounds in my chest. "Y/N, this is a big deal! You almost kissed him. I'm going to beat whoever made that noise!" Yuko declared.

There was a sudden knock on the door. Yuko walked toward the door. I held my breath as Yuko flung open the door, ready to see who was on the other side. And there he stood, Sukuna, his gaze fixed on me. "May I come in?" he asked.

Yuko glanced at me, a smirk playing on her lips. "Yes, please, come in. I was just about to leave."


● ● ●


Ever since that day, we really did get close. There was no somewhat. We started talking, and he asked me out to the dance. I suppose you could say we're officially dating now.

"Y/N," he greeted, his voice sent shivers down my spine. "Sukuna," I replied, my heart fluttering.

"And this is my cue to leave," Yuko said, walking away. "I will see you both later, you know, to give you some privacy." Sukuna rolled his eyes, and I chuckled.

We both walked to the field, his hand holding mine. When we arrived, we settled on the ground, my head leaning against his shoulder.

Sukuna has been working hard on training. I don't know exactly what Sukuna does, but I'm curious to know more. "How is the whole sorcerer thing going?" I asked. "Great, I've been getting better at my techniques," he responded.

Sukuna turned to face me. His gaze was intense, locking with mine. "What?" I said, chuckling. "You look beautiful," he said, gently cupping my chin and tilting it upwards as he leaned in closer. I felt my heart race as his lips met mine. As we pulled away, Sukuna whispered, "I've been wanting to do that for so long." My heart raced, and my face flushed.

" My heart raced, and my face flushed

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